
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 4, 2012 10:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Portland police may help in elephant ownership flap. The next post in this blog is Sam Adams is "working at home" today. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The logical next step for urban living

They're thinking ahead in Holland. It's a good thing Admiral Randy is leaving office -- this sort of thing would be right up his alley.

Comments (7)

I hate to tell you, but this is already being done on a national level. Those scum villages are called "Portland," "Brooklyn," and "Austin".

District 9?

Hasn't Portland already done that, by using URAs and LIDs to encourage "desirable" residents to move into neighborhoods and gentrify them, causing the "scum" to move out?

Thus, isn't Lents and Rockwood the current Scum Districts, along with Vancouver?

Down town is the newest "scum village" witness the food cart and street punks fight last night.

Detention camps, concentration camps.... has Holland learned nothing from its past?

This is the result of a society that got too close to the edge of chaos and is falling over the cliff. We are right behind. Is there some reason Portlanders can't walk down the streets of their own city anymore without being confronted by riff raff? Deal with things now or pay dearly later, but it is getting awfully late.

Detention camps, concentration camps.... has Holland learned nothing from its past?

This is the result of a society that got too close to the edge of chaos and is falling. We are right behind. Is there some reason Portlanders can't walk down the streets of their own city anymore without being confronted by riff raff? Deal with things now or pay dearly later, but it is getting awfully late.

We call those jails and we have a big one called Inverness out by the airport - Conveniently close to Dignity Village.

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