
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 4, 2012 10:59 AM. The previous post in this blog was The logical next step for urban living. The next post in this blog is No question: We own these 'dogs. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sam Adams is "working at home" today

You can just imagine.

Comments (9)

He is not where a responsible mayor would be: downtown meeting with the street car vendors and businesses assuring them the city is specifically addressing the recent violence with the Homeless by Choice crowd.

The legacy of Sam Adams will be remembered more for the increase in violence and neglect of basic services in the city than it will be in efforts to make the City "green" despite his continuing efforts to impose more taxes/fees and max out the city's credit card on his way out the door.

Let's hope he's not having too much of a fit after discovering how everyone answers his incessant question "Hands up: who likes me?"


oops..I meant food cart vendors

It is so he can email job applications with out running public records laws.

i thought Jack would have posted that old video of Sam and Randy chasing each other around the back yards of St. Johns...or pictures of Beau Breadlove.

It's for the best they stay home.

"Working from Home" = severe hangover.

Heaven forbid a lame duck ask a "provocative question." On the other hand, there's no history of provocative questions (other than "how much can we raise that rate?"), so why start now?

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