
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 22, 2012 3:15 PM. The previous post in this blog was Nurse Amanda is ready for some dirty money. The next post in this blog is Polishing the deck chairs. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Jeffer-Sten's Tweeter

Carla Axtman, a long-time figure in the Portland blogosphere, has joined the ranks of Portland's small army of paid Tweeters. She was reportedly paid $12,000 as a "social media consultant" to the mayoral primary campaign of Mr. ADD. If he becomes mayor -- and he's got an even shot at it at this point -- we suspect she may be appointed as the new Amy Ruiz at City Hall.

Comments (7)

Gee more political hacks without any usable skills. This oughta fill a whole lot of potholes.

She'll be on so many witch hunts, it'll make your head spin.

Is that like being a "videographer" for a campaign ?

You guys are bad -- bad!

Can you imagine if Jefferson and Carla mated?

Computer image simulation of Smith-Axtman love child:

I once saw a Labrador and Dachshund offspring. More like offsprung.

Some breeds should never be allowed to mate with other breeds.

Making fun of Jefferson Smith for his ADD is a cheap shot. Why launch ad hominem attacks? Very petty. What a hateful and unnecessary attack.

He has ADD. It makes it hard to understand him sometimes. It has caused a lot of problems in his personal and professional life. He's on medication for it. It's something voters should be concerned about.

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