
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 1, 2012 4:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was Grudgetown. The next post in this blog is Big day in California. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Trigger-happy Portland cops rack up another big judgment

Finally, the City of Portland admits that shooting an unarmed man in the back is wrong. "In the Campbell case, the city hired multiple outside attorneys to represent Frashour and Lewton and two other officers who were subsequently dismissed from the case." And now, on top of that, we'll get to pay $1.2 million in damages. Who's running the police bureau, anyway? Whoever they are, they look incompetent. Maybe they're just drunks.

Comments (7)

The past and present chiefs appear as incompetent as those officers on the scene

Have they no communication? Didn't the sergeant in charge issue a "hold your fire, he's coming out under my orders" command?

What a clusterf***, from the shooter to the chief

They deserve this judgement and many more. Now, where's the indictments?

Maybe the elites in charge will double the property taxes on selfish haters who own single family dwellings ? That would help pay for this and future judgements." It takes a village................"

Be they drunks or killers, they all get the very best pension system Portland cannot afford.

Thank you Randy - you made it happen.

Heroes all folks.

Hush and go take your "fitness" test..
And collect your $700...

It's a settlement, not a judgment.

It's a settlement, not a judgment.

So what? It's still the same effect for all parties involved - Mr. Campbell's estate, the city, the police, and the taxpayers.

Except that this way we won't ever get to hear the police account of what happened - not that it would ever differ from what's already been given us, given the very sloppy treatment of evidence in such cases.

This doesn't fix or change anything except to address the Campbell family's loss.

It's little more than collateral damages compensation for CoP's SOP.

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