
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 1, 2012 7:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was Trigger-happy Portland cops rack up another big judgment. The next post in this blog is Portland: The City That Hates You. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Big day in California

"Urban renewal" is now officially dead in the bankrupt Golden State. It will take a long time, but eventually the same thing will happen in Oregon. The middle class and the poor will continue to suffer for the rich folks' sake, until finally the government is too broke to function. What a waste.

Comments (7)

It just goes to show how centralized downtowns are going the way of the dinosaurs.... regardless of how much money is thrown at them.

Heh. I liked this line from one of the articles linked to: "Maybe the most important factor [in the failure of redevelopment] is the tendency of public-private partnerships to attract the worst elements of society: union goons, neighborhood activists, reverends, public-trough developers, political appointees, city planners, and so on."

Government will expand until the people fight it off, or until it kills them.

If I have my facts straight, 54 years ago, PDC was created to act as an urban renewal agency, spun off from the city and county. The first director was an import from California. ( No wonder Tom McCall had the visit but don't stay mantra.) Since the legislature will be in 'full" session next year here's to someone getting down there and abolishing this creation before it ages beyond 55 years.

Saw an interview with Romney today on Fox. He seems to agree that government needs to be more responsible about spending. Because big government has created armies of freeloaders that do not pay taxes.

But he was talking about poor people, not the wealthy. Strange interview. Confusing. That'll teach me not to watch Fox.

In the words of Margaret Thatcher:
"Socialism fails when you run out of other people's money"

The replacement scam is "cap and trade", which supposedly will rake in so much cash that it will pay for the $10B high speed rail project. Let me know how that works out!

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