
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2012 8:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Vestas chair, vice chair, and CFO quit as losses worsen. The next post in this blog is MAX muggers strike just before 6 a.m. on a Wednesday. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Portland "urban renewal" abuse enters new phase

They say they won't be borrowing money -- at least not at first -- but Portland's going to start impounding property taxes in six neighborhoods to hand out to construction companies and developer cronies for bad apartment bunkers with Subway sandwich shops on the street level. "Micro-" urban renewal districts, they're calling it -- a "neighborhood prosperity initiative," brainchild of the Sam Rand Twins and some bobbleheads at the Portland Development Commission.

Satellite urban renewal, micro-urban renewal, it's all a ripoff. This city can't fix a pothole, but it sure can build junk apartments.

Comments (8)

Portland used to be a nice town with a bit of gambling, drugs and hookers as the spice- just ask Terry Shrunk about it.

But ever since the criminal elements sent their kids to law school and started robbing the public legally, everything has gone to Hell.

So we've gone from Heroin to High-rises, from cards to no yards, and from tricks to well, it starts with a P and rhymes.

This "Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative" is so reminiscent of the sleaziness of government names on the federal level like the recent "American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act", designed mainly to help big banks.

Too bad Sam and Randy didn't try to imitate some true statesmen instead of doing their Bush/Cheney impression with the deception. It's just so cynical.

Why not go all the way with it? We need some Orwellian slogans to put in big neon signs down on the waterfront. How about "Unsustainable Is Sustainable"?

And here you guys thought that maybe, just maybe, Sam wasn't running for a second term because he had something approximating a sense of ethics that told him this was Wrong. Now that he's going, there's nothing to keep him from selling off the family silverware, as he'll never be held accountable for the mess he's making now. Oh, it'll be the poor sucker who replaces him who'll to clean up, and Sam will probably call the guy three months later and let him know "Hey, I think the toilet was overflowing when I left. Yeah, I could have fixed it, but I had to get to the opera..."

I'm convinced the city overlords love anything with the word "micro" in it. Micro-homes. Microbrews. Micro-penis.

Texas Triffid Ranch:...Now that he's going, there's nothing to keep him from selling off the family silverware, as he'll never be held accountable for the mess he's making now....

You got the picture, so did many of us who would rather have had SamRand out busy campaigning than staying the course.
I think those two knew that the people would never vote for them again, so is it retaliation to put the gas pedal on just about everything in sight to debt swamp our community?

Do they still think it is all in fun?

Remember when Adams asked Leonard if he was having fun?.......

I just passed Mayor Sam Adams in the hall and, with a wry smile, he asked me if I was having fun. I asked him what was up and he said he had been on your radio show last night…and nothing more.
Curious, I went back to my office and was able to listen to your entire interview of Sam last night;.....

"Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative"

How about:

"SE Portland Co-Prosperity Sphere"

In my opinion, it is outrageous for PDC to ask the people in those communities yet to do fundraising when PDC gives million dollar deals to others! I think those that did sign on to this need to be reading Jacks blog to get another perspective if they think that this "neighborhood prosperity initiative" is all for them...and if there is a benefit such as better storefronts, the people should be told details of how this is getting paid for and if LIDS are involved. They should be told if more housing will be brought in with storefronts and what this will cost their community overall such as more schools needed, congestion, public safety needs while at the same time URA's taking funds needed.
I wouldn't put it past these little micro URA's to put a LID on the communities who can least afford it.

PDC is doing a lot for Portland, and I think Sam Adams and Portland are doing the right thing here. Portland needs jobs and better development. The economy sucks. What else are you going to do? Seems smart to me.

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