
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2012 9:05 AM. The previous post in this blog was Portland "urban renewal" abuse enters new phase. The next post in this blog is More legislative goodness from Salem. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MAX muggers strike just before 6 a.m. on a Wednesday

On the train, at the Rose Quarter. They get up early to rob you these days.

Comments (6)

I just read this great article about self defense. I generally hate these articles because they are often written by martial arts 'masters'. As if knowing how to kick ass is helpful at all when being mugged. Predators will rarely materialize without a significant physical advantage leaving your ninja fighting skills moot and possibly suicidal to use.

Recognize danger and run is always best. With recognize being hardest to master.

Here. Worth a read for the fearful. Which any reasonable person should be.


An extraordinarily wise article, Jo. Thanks for the link.

And, wearing earplugs groovin' to your myTunes in the urban jungle is just like wearing a "kick me" prey sign on your back -- only worse. Be aware of your surroundInge and pay subtle attention to what's going on around you. And you masochists out there, well, you can just: live it up!


Thanks. Linking was a bit self serving though. When I'm out with people and bad stuff is about to go down it seems no one knows it's about to kick off and when it does everyone just freezes.

I'd like intelligent people to be on the same page. Can't tell you how many times I've had to pull people out of the fire because they, "Didn't even know what was going on." Or some variety of excuse.

To be fair I've bounced on two continents and have lived a pretty seedy life. So I have the advantage of copious experience. But still. People. Quit standing around waiting for the bad to happen. Fight or flee. Starring is inferior to this.

Oh man..."STARING" is the right spelling.

And, wearing earplugs groovin' to your myTunes in the urban jungle is just like wearing a "kick me" prey sign on your back -- only worse. For one thing, that's often how pedestrians end up being run over by light rail trains.

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