
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2012 8:03 AM. The previous post in this blog was Shoot unarmed man in back? Standard procedure for Portland cops.. The next post in this blog is Portland "urban renewal" abuse enters new phase. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vestas chair, vice chair, and CFO quit as losses worsen

[UPDATED, 8:40 a.m.] The Danish wind energy outfit is coming apart at the seams. But that headquarters building in the Pearl District of Portland is going to be wonderful. For someone.

Comments (8)

The sound of a bubble imploding doesn't attract much attention.

Great photo.

Is that a pic from Oregon? We have a ton of those things out on this end of the gorge. People whine about them destroying their view of the desert.

The situation with the headquarters building gives me flashbacks to the end of the dotcom boom. So...will Sam rename the baseball stadium for Vestas, too?

But... but a master race of hyper-intelligent green lobbyists / economists were going to rescue us from this sooty workaday world.

Just ask Spain how it's going... they are triple broke, which you might hear more about if only Greece wasn't busy giving us a glimpse of their future.

Like it or not, the old energy sources aren't going anywhere. We can get with the program, or we can freeze and starve in our trendy mud-and-straw huts.

Would this be the sound of wind breaking?

You win Mr. Munster.

One more "Green/Sustainbility" company going down in flames. Rest assured that in the upcoming elections all these government sponsored failures will be part of the talking points.

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