Leaving no doubt

Our old partner from law practice, Greg Macpherson, made it official yesterday that he's running for mayor of Lake Oswego. We've always liked Mac as a politician, and were dismayed to see him lose the state attorney general's race at the hands of the public employee unions. They snuffed out his career in Salem as revenge for his daring to cut back their precious, and grossly unsustainable, pensions.
But we're afraid that we won't be supporting his mayoral run, because as the Lake O. rebels have warned us, Macpherson's in tight with Homer Williams and the real estate developer set who are still pushing condo bunkers, and a streetcar to Portland, for that 'burb's east side. If there was any doubt about that after his recent testimony in favor of the streetcar, Mac certainly sent out the bat signal in his e-mail announcement yesterday:

It appears he's gone completely over to the Portland planning mafia. Which is too bad, on a number of levels.
In any event, the rebels down that way had better find themselves a good candidate, and soon, because Mac is going to be hard to beat. And if he wins, the bankrupting apartment bunkers with their dopey trolley will be very much back on track.
Comments (27)
I had gotten the same email as I had given money to him in his last go around. Won't be getting any this go around due to the items you point out.
Posted by pdxjim | February 2, 2012 10:03 AM
Heavens to Murgatroyd! We be in trouble . . . again!
Posted by RickN | February 2, 2012 10:11 AM
...In any event, the rebels down that way had better find themselves a good candidate, and soon,...
If they don't, apparently they can resign themselves to another round with same "plans" - heard on the radio where when discouraged with current government, that citizens need to step up to run for these elections. There must be someone in LO willing to do that. Encouragement may be needed. I would say not to worry if no experience in politics, we have had enough of those types.
Posted by clinamen | February 2, 2012 10:47 AM
I also supported him for AG because of his stand on PERS. But he would be bad news for Lake Oswego -- another Portland lawyer puppet of Judie Hammerstad and Homer Williams, just like our current mayor.
Posted by L.O. Resident | February 2, 2012 10:50 AM
He's right. We should all follow the LO example: huge houses and Mercedes for all! And the alternative modes of transportation he refers to must be private helicopter, right?
Posted by dg | February 2, 2012 10:59 AM
This is so ludicrous it could be a practical joke. It just goes to show, yet again, how little regard these establishment clones have for the public.
I can just imagine the people he met with prior to pulling the trigger.
The usual Westside Econmic Alliance and others public-private cronies masquerading as everyday business interests.
Watch him hide his allegiance and make no mention of anything Portland, TrMet or Metro has planned for LO.
Fortunately his supporters and contributors will tell the whole story.
Watch it all roll in here:
Posted by Ben | February 2, 2012 11:16 AM
I will add that if your LO community does come up with a candidate who wants to put a stop to this agenda, there may be help from some in Portland who have seen enough and don't want to see the continuing of negative plans spread around the region.
Why wasn't it stopped here in pdx? In the beginning, I don't think people knew what it all meant, they were sold on stopping sprawl and saving farmland. People told me that at meetings they were told that their neighborhoods would be protected and saved as any density would only be on certain main avenues, etc.
Also, I don't have it handy to link to, but I have read that one way the plans are sold to the public, is not so much talk, but by the "nice" illustrations boards.
There were people who did understand and tried to stop, I know of an area where there were three huge meetings and people insisted on a question and answer period and were denied. At the last one, Katz said NO, no question and answers would be allowed, go to the lobby to the boards and put green and red dots on what you like or don't like. Some of the people were so angry they took over the mike and asked the people to stay to have a discussion anyway.
Posted by clinamen | February 2, 2012 11:18 AM
If he can make alternate modes of transportation work with efficient public services then the he'll be on the fast track with the Holy See.
Posted by Bark Munster | February 2, 2012 12:00 PM
I would just say that while most of us dont know Mr. Macpherson, we are open to his candidacy.
It's no secret that there are now two other candidates with vary active records within the local community over the past 3-8 years that will announce for the mayoral race in LO.
They have a very high profile in the community, so it should provide for a very interesting election in 2012.
However I beleive the formal paperwork isnt available until the summer so they have not announced.
Posted by DB | February 2, 2012 12:02 PM
Since when was it Lake Oswego's - or any other city's - mission to worry about how residents in other cities live?
I live in Tigard...I don't give a damn about what Tualatin, or Beaverton, or Lake Oswego does. There's that magical line that separates us from them...you choose to live on the line if you are bothered by something that happens on the other side of the line. That's why I live near the center of Tigard...I don't have to worry about another city.
And if we want an eight-lane boulevard through Tigard, that's OUR issue and not Portland's. We can end four of those lanes right at the Portland city line with a big huge sign that reads "This lane ended because Portland likes traffic congestion. If you don't, please call 503-823-whatever."
Posted by Erik H. | February 2, 2012 12:38 PM
If you believe you have the right to "shape the way people live beyond the borders" of LO then I have the right to vote in the election
Posted by tankfixer | February 2, 2012 1:06 PM
Earth to Mac:
1--Livable communities DOES NOT mean condo bunkers, it means low crime, good schools. Both of which YOU screw with urban renewal taking money from basic services. Livable communities DOES NOT mean slowing down people’s ability to travel by favoring toy trains over cars.
2–We DON’T need alternative modes of transportation - cars work just fine. And, under BHOs new CAFÉ standards, they will soon use much less energy than toy trains or buses and they cost less and are faster.
3–We are NOT interested in a gaggle of out of touch bureaucrats (who just read some crackpot theory) telling us how to live any more than you are looking for George Bush to tell YOU how to live.
4–You misunderstand the office. Your job is to keep the roads paved, the police honest, properly funded and not trigger happy. Your job is NOT to rebuild society along the lines of the latest fad.
Posted by jim karlock | February 2, 2012 1:38 PM
Erik H. said, "I live in Tigard".
Well then I'm sure you'll want to help with a Tigard initiative to require a city wide vote for any new rail transit?
Posted by Ben | February 2, 2012 2:41 PM
That email is outrageous. Utterly tone deaf and he clearly could not care less what the citizens of Lake Oswego think are priorities that need to be addressed. Just a complete tool. Makes me nauseous.
Posted by realitybasedliberal | February 2, 2012 2:58 PM
Earth to DB. Yes, they can't file until August, but they can announce any time. Like MacPherson just did.
"It's no secret that there are now two other candidates" Then why all the mystery?
Posted by L.O. Resident | February 2, 2012 3:02 PM
Ask the candidates they dont want to announce their intent. Thats all anyone can say.
Mcpherson hasnt been public for a long while in LO so I dont know why he would anounce so soon other than to get PR and start to build some level of community awareness.
He just hasnt been around much lately....
Posted by DB | February 2, 2012 3:10 PM
We don't need a compatible mayor as long as we have 4 votes on the council. It's a package deal, so keep your eyes on the prize.
Posted by Nolo | February 2, 2012 5:36 PM
So is the Liberal agenda these days just to hand money over to developers, various green energy scams and the mass transit mafia? Is that what it boils down to?
Posted by Andy | February 2, 2012 5:47 PM
No andy.
Only the worst blue liberals who happen to be the ones in control.
If Liberals like Jack were running things this blog would not exist.
Posted by Ben | February 2, 2012 5:51 PM
Clinamen, you're right about placing a few green and red dots at a neighborhood meeting being how the Metro area has been planned.
But even worse are the questions the Planners asked that are over simplified with only a few choices that leads to what we are getting. Like:
"1. Do you want urban sprawl that spoils the environment?, 2. Do you want to see some density along major transit routes, but maintaining your neighborhood?, 3. Do you want high density in selected areas to enhance transit?"
What about the other choices? They are left off, plus few want massive urban sprawl-that's a gimme. So placing your 12 red and green dots on the 12 questions leaves all the other alternatives from consideration. A trickery survey. Plus only the 12 people who attended gives the Planners their ticket to call out their "community outreach" as proof of what the whole commonwealth wants.
It is time to keep exposing the fraud.
Posted by Lee | February 2, 2012 7:12 PM
There are some liberals who like the agenda, unfortunately, they seem to be placed in positions of control and decision making.
Seems to be a tight network of coalitions that have been put together who support the mantra and are lock step no matter what. In my opinion, other liberals have been thrown in the same basket with them and are given a bad name around here.
Posted by clinamen | February 2, 2012 7:22 PM
Lee:It is time to keep exposing the fraud.
It certainly is.
Another trick is when they know a contentious issue is coming up, they have mediators to control the conversation and the crowd.
If one brings up a subject that is even listed on the agenda, but not in lock step with prescribed comments, one can be accused by others at the meeting of hijacking the meeting.
Another trick is if they don't want to answer a question, to say they don't know and will get back to you later.
Plenty of tricks, why do we put up with it?
The meeting I was referring to when Katz walked out and said No to a question and answer period was before several hundred people. Cannot blame people for finally giving up.
This seems to be a deliberate set-up to discourage people who are not lock step with the agenda...seems to work doesn't it? But I am hoping that people will despite this make attempts to engage and fight back.
Below is an interesting article.
Posted by clinamen | February 2, 2012 7:59 PM
Got it! Thanks Ben for encouraging my research. I went to ORESTAR and looked under Transaction Search. I entered Greg MacPherson's name as a Contributor/Payee, and, there are the campaigns and politicians he has been involved with in the past.
Friends of Jack Hoffman (2008)
Committee to Elect Ann Lininger (2011, 2009)
Kitzhaber 2010 (2010)
Forward with Jefferson Smith (2010)
Friends of Lynn Peterson (2009)
And many others along with PACs like:
Require Local Vote on Urban Renewal (Support for measure 3.388, the scandalous Clack.Co. Commissioners' attempt to derail the citizen measure)
If one is judged by the company they keep, then GM will be judged harshly. Perhaps he thought he was buying himself a place at the table, but it looks more like his past will be something that won't get him anywhere outside the Chamber of Commerce's front door.
Posted by Nolo | February 2, 2012 10:56 PM
That's quite the list of deep blue defects.
It's a good representation of exactly what is wrong with Oregon.
Posted by Ben | February 3, 2012 9:04 AM
Nola and Ben, Macpherson does much more than supporting candidates and organizations that perpetuates the bad sides of Portland's urban planning mafia. Several times he personally testified, wrote, advocated for urban renewal for SoWhat and zoning changes for Johns Landing to increase density and heights. He does so all in the belief that "farm land needs to be saved".
He doesn't understand how existing neighborhoods, like LO, or Johns Landing will be harmed by his sleight of hand support for the LO Streetcar, Nor does he understand how urban renewal has been misused in other parts of our urban area nor the rest of the state.
Posted by Lee | February 3, 2012 10:59 AM
Lee, of course he understands. He's part of it.
Posted by L.O. Resident | February 3, 2012 2:26 PM
Thanks Lee. GM lives in downtown LO and would probably like to have his own streetcar to use to get to work in Pdx. After all, it's all about him and folks like him, isn't it? If he loves TOD, then high rise buildings in LO will make him happy. And they will be high rise.
Posted by Nolo | February 3, 2012 8:03 PM