
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 24, 2012 10:30 PM. The previous post in this blog was If you had a choice of colors. The next post in this blog is Pundits slightly wrong about Mitt's tax rate. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Giving up on Eileen Brady

We keep waiting for Eileen Brady to show us that she'll do something different, something smarter, at Portland City Hall. But we read this sort of stuff -- she's all for more "urban renewal," in with the Portland State developer cabal, pave over wildlife habitat on West Hayden Island for the Goldschmidt boys at the Port, more light rail, the whole works -- and we have to conclude that she's not worthy of our vote. And since Streetcar Charlie from Camas and Jeffer-Sten Jeffer-Sam Smith are completely out of the question, that leaves us with candidates who haven't got a prayer. We may as well pick one, and there's a lot to be said for the 19-year-old candidate who tells it like it is. So he's got our endorsement. We're voting for Max Brumm. Seriously.

If Portland takes Hales, at least it will know what it is buying, and it deserves the mess it will get. With Brady, the promise is kind of vague, but the program actually produced will be much the same as it is now. It's a bit like the upcoming Obama-Romna: Who cares? The middle class is screwed either way. Maybe it will be less painful with less hypocrisy.

Comments (15)

Urban renewal is taking $36 million out of areas schools every year.

How can any of these people claim to support schools when the advocate taking even more from schools. Not to mention the other government services that loose close to $100 million each year to the crony slush fund that is urban renewal.


jim karlock,
Have you seen the latest PDC project/name for smaller urban renewals called Neighborhood Prosperity Initiatives?

I had heard of them, but didn't realize it was another TIF scheme. Even had to read 1/2 way through a 39 page doc before I found this:

3. Establish Neighborhood Opportunity Districts - small scale, long-term, debt free urban renewal areas - in three to six commercial hubs within priority neighborhoods participating in the Focus Area Program to provide resources for neighborhood businesses and related improvements for five to seven years (see Action I.A.2). Target annual increment generation will be $20,000 per district the first year and up to $75,000 per district annually by the third through seventh years. Page 18 of http://www.pdc.us/pdf/bus_serv/ned/NED-Strategy.pdf

I decided some time ago to waste a vote on Max. Not just because I like his name ;-) - but because I can't stand the three "major" candidates. I had hoped for better from Eileen, but she demonstrates idiocy every time she opens her mouth. She lost me for good when she babbled a few weeks ago about how Vancouver residents would learn to love light rail.


JK, are you sure you didn't get that from the Urbanism Bullshit Generator somebody posted the other night?


It came from that ultimate urban Bullshit Generator, the PDC.


Sounds better than most who are running


In stereo, too.

Yep. Eileen lost me a few days ago with her support for the Sustainability Center, and I'll go with Max too for the primary.

I agree that Max is the only one worth voting for, I just wish there was a better chance he would actually win.

Agreed--I was VERY disappointed with Eileen's stance on the Sustainability Center, and no longer support her.

History would suggest the motivation for Eileen's campaign and stances, is to make her ready to become a senator of the United States. Does anyone recall Brady's backers sending her to Washington, D.C., and shopping her around as a replacement to Gordon Smith? She was sent home to get some relevant experience. This is that.

Turns out there's some truth to ol' Willy Weeks' hit piece on Brady! According to OLCC, Brady either was a cofounder and broke the law, or was not a cofounder and is really just another fraud.


Eileen is the peoples' candidate - she is counting on the people to remain ignorant of the hidden hands running the show and so far it is working.

Thanks Jack for cracking open the sunlight just a tad- I think it is actually having an effect.

Hey, on the bright side: if she gets into office, maybe we can get the slop-bucket content analysis contract!


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