
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 21, 2011 8:57 AM. The previous post in this blog was The gag-o-meter says: Lame. The next post in this blog is "Green" industry not so dumb after all. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Brady says 'Couv will love light rail

A couple of readers who spend their Sunday mornings listening to hate radio have alerted us to the fact that Portland mayoral candidate Eileen Brady was interviewed yesterday on the Rob Kremer tirade-fest, and apparently she didn't come off as much of an alternative to the condo pushers that she's running against. In response to a comment that folks in Vancouver, Washington don't want light rail, Brady reportedly said, "Ah, they'll love it."

This has the tighty righties going nuts, as they now realize that none of the four candidates that the pundits talk most about -- Brady, Reese, Hales, or Smith -- are going to deviate from Portland's bird-on-it agenda of the past 20 years. Brady may be the least objectionable in that pack, but as we have found out with Tom Hughes, that's nothing to get optimistic about. Max Brumm looks better all the time.

Comments (24)

I heard part of the interview. The comment about Vancouver light rail was arrogant to the extreme. The rest of her answers were thin, unschooled and too cutesy by half. Also, her staff didn't brief her at all. She didn't know that Marc Abrams was former chair of the Oregon Democratic Party and a two term school board member. She seems to think a cute smile and chickens in her yard will properl her to the mayor's office.

I like the simple condescending attitude that we can just force light rail on a city that is outside Trimet, outside Metro, and outside the state.

And "they'll love it once we force it on them." Nothing is more Portland that that.

Our official motto should be: "We'll tell you what you like. Get over it."

I'm sure they will "love" it. They'll get to "densify" their part of the world by subsidizing condos and apartments out of their own pockets, just like us!

But they will be "green" and "sustainable" apartments. And there'll be a coupon for the train in the Chinook Book.

Another one of her whoppers was her response to the $100 million in no bid contracts and overruns for David Evans and Associates, INC.

She said, look on the bright side, it's a local company.

The to pretend to be fiscally concerned she criticized the paltry by comparison $35K in rent the CRC pays.

She completely oblivious, just like the rest of the RailVolution cronies.

Of course she no doubt has the same attitude towards Lake Oswego and McLoughlin folks who don't want the Streetcar, Milwaukie Light Rail or any of Portland Metro plans.

She sure has down pat the Portland finger to their neighbors routine.
That could get her elected.

Brady, while admitting that prime CRC contractor David Evans and Associates has ransacked the public coffers with inordinate charges to the tune of tens of millions, wouldn't even agree with the progressive Abrams that the project is now fatally flawed, saying that "we can't lose our place in line," translation: if we don't keep spending we won't get anymore money to waste anytime soon.

Clackamas and Clark counties need to remain on high alert that this kind of thinking-- when the Oregon Food Bank is experiencing record demand--should come to their cities.


The good news is that by the time whoever gets to be mayor, the whole economic system will have collapsed, so their ain't going to be no free lunch.

We should be asking these candidates what they are going to do to keep the city running when the debt gravy train crashes over the cliff.

I'm sure the police will consider joining us when their pensions are stolen.

Look on the bright side folks. By the time you folks have an election, about 9 or 10 Democrat Senators will be replaced by Republicans in the US Senate; and then you can count on any money for light rail, streetcars and bike lanes vanishing for the foreseeable future.

Given that the progressives will split the votes 3 or 4 ways, I'm surprised that a cogent, fiscally-responsible candidate for mayor has not emerged. I think there would be more support for him/her than conventional wisdom might dictate.

I'm a Vancouver resident now. Eileen - could you kindly keep your comments about Vancouver to yourself? Part of the reason why I wanted to move away from Portland was to get away from clueless mayoral candidates such as yourself AND the light rail!

"She seems to think a cute smile and chickens in her yard will propel her to the mayor's office."
Question, how long before they will allow chickens on the light rail? After all, how is a concerned global warming whack job to get their ecofriendly shovel ready job producing chickens home from the local feed and supply store?

Mayor Bogdanski

Here in Portland we don't have chickens in our backyards. We have "urban chicken farms".

Jack, you hearing anything via your contacts about a credible (hate labels but here goes) moderate who would be
UN-willing to buy into streetcars and trolleys from here to hell and back, urban renewal scams and various METRO stunts that is thinking of running for Mayor? With so many "I wanna be Earl's pal and kiss the butts of developers" types in the race there might be room for someone with...you know...like a backbone AND a brain.

Eileen Brady, what happened to representative democracy? Vancouver doesn't want light rail.

Hey Dave - why don't you list the "9 or 10" senate seats that will flip?

Portland's mayoral candidates shouldn't be commenting on Vancouver's issues, and Vancouverites should think Portlanders are going to pay for them.

PDX2SF: Okay - Here's the list of
Democrats in no particular order
that will likely be be replaced by
Republicans in 2012:

Claire McCaskill - MO
John TesterT - MT
Joe Manchin - WV
Sherrod Brown - OH
Ben Nelson - NB
Bill Nelson - FL

Jim Webb - VA
Kent Conrad - ND
Jeff Bingaman - NM

The last three are retiring.

Eileen's comment was based on her belief that after their vacant McMansions are salvaged and burned, Vancouverites will then be enjoying life in high-rise bunkers and welcome the Light Rail service.

It was actually Abrams who was pushing her quite a bit about fiscal irresponsibility in city hall and she mockingly asked whether he was the "progressive one". I guess in her mind throwing good money after bad is okay as long as speaks to some sort of progressive vision.

So she is a brain dead progressive who fantasizes about making comand and control type of decisions.

Sounds like she has the necessary requirements to be the next Mayor!

Is there any middle ground here? I don't like condo bunkers and I didn't/don't support the Green Line, the Milwaukie line or WES because none of them serve a large enough population. But extending the Yellow Line to Vancouver makes sense, because those are the area's two largest urban cores and Vancouver, at least, is growing rapidly and fast developing as a business center in its own right. Financially speaking, it's a good deal for those north of the river because most of the line has already been built and they can tap into it for a relative pittance. Like her or not (and I don't, particularly), Eileen Brady is probably right. A majority of Vancouverites may not favor rail now but they'll be thankful for it once it's built (especially if gas is $8-10 a gallon, as it likely will be by the time the line opens).

Semi-cynic: $300 million per mile for LRT Vancouver is "a mere pittance?" There are only 3300 bus riders...BRT is a better deal for the relatively few Vancouver to Portland mass transit daily riders. Putting another billion on a $15 trillion national debt does not make economic sense.

light rail to Vancouver, are you kidding me?!? Of course we want light rail in Vancouver! We need a shelter for the bums during winter, fall, spring and summer! Besides, all these robbers have been getting caught in traffic. LIGHT RAIL is the Way to go when you need a getaway driver ... whoooo hoooo!

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