
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 23, 2011 9:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was A visit from royalty. The next post in this blog is Moving right along. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Mary Nolan camp fined for campaign finance violations

The other day we called out the Bus Project, founded and run by Portland mayoral candidate Jefferson Smith, for its violations of state campaign finance laws, which offenses have resulted in thousands of dollars in fines. Now we see that Mary Nolan, candidate for City Council from the Goldschmidt Party, was just penalized more than a thousand dollars by the Oregon Secretary of State for similar transgressions.

Of course, the Nolan campaign is rolling in so much dough that a grand to them is like a five to most people. They've got plenty left over to crush Amanda Fritz next spring. Further looting of the city treasury by the Usual Suspects will surely follow.

But anyway, why can't our local politicians play by the rules? Do their donors really want their money going to pay fines?

Comments (13)

I guess this just shows how crooked and slimy Portland politics was, is, and will be.

Well now we know she is as competent and honest as any current member of council...

Vote for Fritz. Don't let the annointed establishment candidate buy the election.

Agree, Snards. Fritz seems to be the lesser of evils.

And for those in my Congressional district, think seriously about Bonamici.

And for those in my Congressional district, think seriously about Bonamici.


I'd vote for Fritz -- except that she voted for the stupid change to every-other-week garbage pickup, with no reduction in fees. Brilliant. I'm voting "None of the above."

From the 2010 SOS Campaign Finance Manual "For political or petition committees, the treasurer is person­ally liable for penalties imposed for late or insufficient filings of contribution and expenditure transactions. For candidate committees, the candidate and the treasurer are jointly liable for penalties imposed."

It seems to me that if indeed the fine came out of a personal pocket this cavelier attitude towards campaign donations would disappear. It further makes me wonder if fines ever should be paid out of the PAC accounts.
Are fines paid by the PAC in fact following with the letter of the law or regs. set by the SOS??

Amanda Fritz definitely has my vote. She has been a friend to people with disabilities for a long time, has worked hard to ensure that the city's services are available to all of its residents and not just some of them. And she's not stealing from taxpayers to win.

cc - I won't vote for any Republican who is not fiscally conservative and socially liberal. There currently are none of those active in Oregon politics.

And I, personally, don't vote for folks from the cult of Mormon and that is what Cornilles is. He is also anti-abortion and anti-gay.

cc - I won't vote for any Republican who is not fiscally conservative and socially liberal. There currently are none of those active in Oregon politics.

1) Who mentioned Republicans?

2) Whatever makes you think Bonamici is fiscally conservative?

3) Why do you want to "lynch" Mormons?

"lynch"? You're out if bounds with that, cc.

And that lazy left wing rag blue Oregon will never report this but if a conservative did this they would have a scathing piece and column on this.

matt v - lemme know when the Repugs start calling each other out for misdeeds because that never happens either. What do you expect anyway?

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