
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 9, 2011 10:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Busy work is never done. The next post in this blog is Remembering Rudi Nussbaum. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Crushing Nurse Amanda

It appears that Mary Nolan, candidate for Portland City Council from the Goldschmidt Party, is going to have waaaaay more campaign money than her opponent, incumbent Amanda Fritz. Right now Orestar's showing Fritz with around $26,500 in the campaign kitty -- but $25,000 of that is her own money. Nolan is sitting on nearly twice that much, and it's come from many of the Usual Suspects -- Mark Edlen, Don Mazziotti, Vic Rhodes, Rick Gustafson, even a cool grand from Little Lord Paulson in his Dunthorpe manor!

Brace yourself, Portland -- we're about to take some serious hits from the scam machine. Nolan + Saltzman + Novick? We may wind up with a second aerial tram. Throw in Jeffer-Sten Smith as mayor and the place would really self-destruct. We may start feeling nostalgic for the quiet competence of Admiral Randy.

Oh well... look on the bright side. At least this time around we don't have to spend a half million tax dollars to watch the Nurse get beat.

Comments (12)

No surprise. More of the same. All folks aspiring to be Portland officials come from the same Titanic school of governance.

Commissioner Fritz has not been a surprise. Here's an example: When Portland Public Schools had to buy off the Portland Office of Sustainability with "safety" (bicycle) improvements, Fritz voted against the deal not because it was morally wrong for the city to take monies from schools; Nope, she voted against it because the deal didn't take more from the schools ($5 million bucks was the deal, and fortunately, it didn't happen because voters turned down the mega sized school construction bond which would've funded the $5 million).

Look on the bright side, we may actually finish the EuroMall if Nolan gets elected.

Either way, schools will be crappy and everything outside of downtown Portland will be neglected.

Why even bother voting any more?

Holy hell, it may be time to move and sell.

Why vote indeed?

Nature has a way of taking care of itself, and we now know that nature is quietly and slowly raising a cyclopian boot heel over this sad, stupid city. It's called the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

Nature has a way of taking care of itself, and we now know that nature is quietly and slowly raising a cyclopian boot heel over this sad, stupid city. It's called the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

Yes, Nature is so intensely concerned about "natural" things like elections and urban development zones that it will send a giant tsunami to devastate the Oregon coast.

Obviously, I was making a sarcastic comment.

There was a 6.3 off Ucluelet on Vancouver Island about an hour and a half ago.

Nonny, for a while it was being called a 6.7; but it seems now to have been a 6.4:

Mild on the mainland. Distant. Perhaps some accumulated pressure has been relieved.

Maybe we should do a campaign donation drive for Amanda, just on general principles.

Well, Amanda is for Milwaukie Lightrail. And she believes voting on urban renewal for Clackamas Co. is wrong. We should support her, right? But then Mary Nolan thinks the same. Now who do we vote for?

Re: "Now who do we vote for?"

lw, the obvious option is None of the Above, once again. It is not possible to elect the candidate you need and want if the only choice is forced between candidates you do not need and do not want.

Were None of the Above to receive a majority of votes cast for an office, then those candidates for that office deemed unacceptable by voters would not presume to serve in that office.

Alternatively, a well-organized write-in campaign could be launched; but the probability of success for such a campaign is around the probability of satisfaction from a selection among unacceptable candidates.

Democracy is not an easy form of government.

I think we should all write in Jack Bogdanski. Now that would send a message.

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