
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 11, 2010 2:27 PM. The previous post in this blog was Will Juwan go over to the dark side?. The next post in this blog is Your attention, please... ladies and gentlemen.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Spain wins, and so does "Teutonic Knights"

The Dutch finally folded -- they always do -- and so Spain wins the World Cup final match, in whatever they call double overtime. In our match-by-match prediction "pool," Teutonic Knights scores a come-from-behind victory, to join Ricardo, winner of our brackets game. Congratulations to both prognosticators, and thanks to all our players for giving us somebody to root for, all tournament long.

Our winners each get a beverage and glory. If they will just step forward, please.

Comments (2)

Thanks Jack for giving us a chance to play along. This has been a lot of fun and with Spain winning it all.... a big bonus for many reasons.

Spain will be honoring el pulpo Pablo, and substituting "the other white meat" for seafood in national paella dishes until further notice. Looking forward to Brasil 2014 and a local beverage soon.

Unfortunately, my #1 spot hinged on my two-year-old prediction that the Netherlands would win every single match of the tournament.

Well, congrats to Teutonic for making the final stretch to beat me. Oh, well.

See you all in Euro 2012?

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