Nate rates a 6.3 at the end, 6.1 average for the year

We've wrapped up our fifth and final Rate-a-Nate poll for the season, and the Blazers head coach finished up with a 6.3 rating out of 10. This is quite a drop-off from the 7.3 rating he had at the end of the regular season, but a darn sight better than the 5.4 rating that he started the season with.
Here are the results of all five polls, each of which drew a couple hundred voters, and what was going on when each poll started:

As you can see, the average of the five poll scores was around 6.1. Or if you prefer the chart to the table, here ya go:

Nate's contract has got another year to go, and so it appears we'll have ample opportunity to rate him again come Halloween time. But his assistant, Monty Williams, is probably going to be moving up to head coach in some other city. If the chemistry in the Blazer coaching ranks changes, perhaps the ratings will, too. Meanwhile, we're all gearing up for a Phoenix-Orlando championship series. Ha! Ha!