
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 6, 2010 2:03 PM. The previous post in this blog was Trouble in Paradise. The next post in this blog is Creepy closes the barn door. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A special synergy

Has anybody else noticed that as Randy Leonard has gotten skinnier, Sam Adams has gotten fatter?

Comments (19)

Randy has a new bride and is probably getting a lot of exercise at night. Sam, on the other hand.....

...Lots of protein.

Very very disturbing images all the way around.

Conservation of d*****bag: a fundamental law of politics.

"Sam, on the other hand", is just following mother nature's law of physics, start at the top with fat head and eventually work your way down to fat a**.
Randy's new bride is possibly working him overtime in the sack,or she's a lousy cook?

Life must be good there in Kenton. Too many late night conaques and peach flambe's with friends I guess.

All I can think of is Ernie and Bert from "Sesame Street", and I couldn't tell you why. Oh, aside from the fact that they can't operate without someone shoving their hands up their butts to make their mouths move.

Sam has always gained weight when he's under pressure. That's why he got so fat when he was under investigation. Must be difficult to carry around all of those lies, betrayal, and smears.

I think he is a sick man and Portland is paying the price.

Randy is Sam's lacky. He was masterfully used by Sam and will never go to higher office because he carried Sam's water in the 'bathroom.'

Maybe Sammy can go on to win on NBC's The Biggest Loser after his term is up. Wait for it....

Sam's been having to eat too many of his own words. Randy's are mostly monosyllabic or over-processed -- either way, lacking in nutrition.

Maybe Randy's actually using the bike lanes and Sam is riding the street car to work.

Randy Sprat could eat no fat
Teen hungry Sam could eat no lean
And so between them both you see(well, mostly Sam)
They licked the bathroom stall clean.

I appreciate the classy post and the even more classy comments.

Portland is lucky to have you, Jack.

Having a lowbrow bully calling you out for being lowbrow is performance art, Jack. Just ignore him and maybe he'll burst into poetry.

Hey Randy

Portland is even luckier to pay your pension + a FT salary at council.

Interesting to know that Randy is paying attention (If that was the real Randy).

I doubt it was the real Randy. The real Randy knows how to take a joke.

Touché, Jack.

Interesting, seeing as since this whole police fiasco, Sam's balls seem to have disappeared and Randy's have tripled in size. I would have thought he'd be gaining...

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