
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 6, 2009 11:15 AM. The previous post in this blog was For Portland, a way out of the Adams mess. The next post in this blog is Caddies are out -- condos next?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

They still can't get their story straight

Now Beau Breedlove says Mayor Creepy never asked him to lie about their sex.

Which is one of the things Creepy himself made a big deal of publicly apologizing for.

Meanwhile, here's an interesting take, with which I have to agree:

What if it was a straight city councilor and your daughter?

We all, to a man, had some version of this response: We would hunt the bastard down and beat him like a cheap piñata.

Comments (13)

The "Rules of Thumb" site says "Dating anyone younger than half your age plus seven years is asking for trouble."

That thought experiment only proves that straight men like violence. Try this one: what if a straight female city counselor boinked your son?

Oh, and the answer to the above question is that dad would pat his son on he shoulder and say "atta boy."

"That thought experiment only proves that straight men like violence. Try this one: what if a straight female city counselor boinked your son?"
Answer: My wife would hunt her down and beat her like a cheap pinata.

Things the pedo always says, in no particular order:

1. The vic was the seducer.

2. It never happened.

3. The vic is lying.

4. I am the victim.

5. It is natural.

6. Anyone who objects is up tight and anti-sex.

7. The vic wanted it as much as I did.

8. There is no harm to the vic.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.. always and all some version of "the world revolves around my organ and anyone who doesn't cooperate is a bad person".

Blah, blah, blah, blah.. always and all some version of "the world revolves around my organ and anyone who doesn't cooperate is a bad person".

Isnt that a Storm Large song?

Does Storm Large play the organ? I thought she was a singer.

storm went from PDX D-list celebrity to a punchline in PDX...sam is dragging everyone down with him...

guy just needs to leave, and soon...

Bewteen that pair, they wouldn't know the truth if they stepped in a pile of it.

I think Imus in a far different context said, "Club him like a baby seal"

Works for me.

My daughter is 19 and the son just turned 17.

Sam is just disgusting...and he is a liar. He needs to be gone, NOW!
And he shoule be registered as a sex offender.

Stop me if you've heard this one before:


42-year old man sexually assaults 17-year old and goes to jail. Lets hope Sam/Beau can keep their stories straight.

"…and beat him like a cheap piñata."

Apparenlty by swinging wildly and missing widely to the great exasperation of all. Justice really is blind.

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