
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 3, 2009 8:51 PM. The previous post in this blog was Compared to what?. The next post in this blog is Hypothetical questions. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kroger turns over a rock

May it be the first of many in a state that has, for far too long, wrongly claimed that its government is exempt from human nature.

Comments (8)

If the Attorney General is serious about rooting out corruption in the bureaucracy of the state of Oregon, it's going to be an enormous jobs creation program.

"The investigation began after members of the Service Employees International Union Local 503 complained"

Glad to see what it takes to get an investigation of a state agency. Those managers must have upset the union guys.

Wouldn't it be a gas if Kroger actually decided to do the job? Probably wishful thinking, but, we can dream.

He could start by explaining to Beau Breedlove that his probation isn't going to be helped if he lies about when he first had sex with Mayor Creepy.

Those 30 employees "monitor over 70,000 license holders" in addition to their other duties, according to their website. I'm sure those body piercing parlors are all safe as can be.

The interesting thing to me is that problem agencies are all around the state. Just someone has to take a look, but seldom do any of the papers even try.

Kroger is about as smart and capable of critical thinking of anyone I can imagine. I hope he will take on the downtown legal clique that can exert too much influence over just about any government entity, including DAs. The guy needs our prayers.

Glad to see what it takes to get an investigation of a state agency. Those managers must have upset the union guys.

You got that exactly right.

Thousands of ordinary citizens complaints about almost any state agency wouldn't interrupt the napping "watchdogs" at the AG's office. But when organized crime, er.. labor says jump...

I think Kroger's bought and paid for.

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