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December 10, 2008 7:38 AM.
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Comments (4)
Jack, you betcha!
On the Chicago TV show "Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz" on June 27, 2002, state Sen. Obama said, "Right now, my main focus is to make sure that we elect Rod Blagojevich as Governor, we..."
"You working hard for Rod?" interrupted Berkowitz.
"You betcha," said Obama.
"Hot Rod?" asked the host.
"That's exactly right," Obama said.
Posted by Joe Shaddix | December 10, 2008 10:52 AM
The joy of the season for me -- definitely the photo-Xmascard belongs, and maybe not too late for that first comment to enter the contest, here: What was the Most Inane Punditry of the 2008 presidential campaign?, Media Matters .ORG, Dec 10, 2008.
The 2008 election made history, but the long campaign leading up to it included plenty of servings of half-baked commentary. Media Matters for America has nominated 10 particularly inane pieces of punditry and invites you to vote for the Most Inane Punditry of the 2008 presidential campaign. Choose one from this list of ridiculous ....
And while you're at the site, consider a companion piece to the above 'Bottom 10,' Faced with economic turmoil, media conservatives turn to class warfare, Media Matters, Dec 10, 2008.
F'r instance, it is totally true that Clinton took the photo on the make-Palin-look-ridiculous Xmas card. Everything is Clinton's fault.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | December 10, 2008 3:11 PM
Chicago Tribune political columnist John Kass said the national media had an "almost willful" fantasy that Mr. Obama and Chicago's political culture have little to do with each other. Mr. Kass also noted that the media devoted a lot more time and energy to investigating the inner workings of Sarah Palin's Wasilla, Alaska, than it has looking at Mr. Obama's Chicago connections.
I wonder if Kass will be able to keep his job.
Posted by David E Gilmore | December 11, 2008 7:24 AM
Wha'd I tell you ...
Hannity found Jackson denial "very credible" -- but still says he hears voice of Bill Clinton denying Lewinsky affair ... it should be 'he reads propaganda talking point.'
Chicago Trib.'s Clarence Page on Blagojevich scandal: "This is fresh meat for that [Republican] smear machine" ... good to see you catching on, Clarence -- better late than never ... I suppose ... oh, nevermind, suffer bankruptcy silently, holy-ly; good night.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | December 11, 2008 12:12 PM