
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 9, 2008 10:11 AM. The previous post in this blog was Portland bond rating up a notch. The next post in this blog is Labor beef affecting other beef. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Which memorials are o.k. to trample?

Folks ragged on Barack Obama recently when his campaign crew set up portable toilets for his rally in the middle of the police memorial down near the Hawthorne Bridge. Rightly so. Apparently the outrage at such sacrilege is somewhat selective, however. We haven't heard a peep, except from one reader, about this one:

Walked through here this [Friday] morning:
"Japanese American Historical Plaza/ Bill of Rights Memorial map, site # 3 -- Walk from Couch Street to the waterfront along Northwest Naito Parkway where 13 stone markers commemorate the history of the Issei and their descendants. Many of the stones, engraved with short poems and names of internment camps emphasize the story of Japanese Americans. Begin at the first stone, featuring a bronze plaque inscribed with the United States Bill of Rights. Each spring (March-April) the cherry trees here are resplendent with pink blooms. This award-winning monument was designed by Portland landscape architect Robert Murase. Guided tours are offered by the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center, 503.224.1458."

I was directed by signs and armed guards to use it as a detour to avoid the waterfront where the largest Navy vessels are tied up. The Navy has set up its sign-in tent and assembly area for tours of the vessels in the middle of the Plaza/Memorial, seemingly oblivious to the spirit of the place and the stories told there. Well, it was just a bit jarring. I didn't have a camera with me.

Comments (5)

Didn't the police said what made the Obama rally situation worse for them was that it was a memorial week for fallen police officers?

Locating those are park bureau calls, not the event organizer.

Both examples are appalling. Suggest writing council or Saltzman on it. Surprising. He is usually a little more savvy than that on anything so obvious. (Although I wouldn't be surprised to hear he was ready to privatize them.)

Murase Issei memorial is awesome, BTW, for any who haven't visited it yet.

I'm fairly confident that Obama didn't have much personal involvement in where the portable toilets would be situated for his rally.

Parks needs to be on top of this.

Some photos are here.

Parks, with all those planners, can't plan a simple thing like that?

They're probably too busy trying to find ways to illicitly spend budgeted parks funds.

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