Into the groove again

It's been quite a while since I last DJ'ed a party. I've got a music collection that's well suited for those of us of a certain age. If your dance music "sweet spot" is between 1965 and 1990, I'm your guy. Now that my peers and I need two days to recover from a major bash, however, the calls to come and smoke the place out with such senescent numbers as "Lookin' for a Love" (either the original by the Valentinos or the storied J. Geils remake), "Billie Jean," and "Standing in the Shadows of Love" are fewer and further between than in the past.
Today I'm slated to supply music for a friend's block party, a prospect that presents a couple of firsts for my disc jockeying career. First, I don't think I've ever done an outdoor party before. Second, for the first time I will attempt to pull off the whole thing without the use of CDs, cassettes, or vinyl. Everything's on hard drives.
The latter aspect of the plan engenders much trepidation in the Tech Department. Disconnecting and reconnecting analog stereo components is my cup of tea, but doing the same with elements of computer hardware always strikes fear in my heart. And alas, accustomed as I am to using Microsoft products, every click threatens the blue screen of death. Fortunately, the old analog equipment will be just five minutes away.
Wish me luck, and if you've got any suggestions for out there on the dance floor, please leave them in the comments below.
Comments (12)
My suggestion would be "Best of My Love" by the Emotions. The song was co-written by Maurice White of Earth, Wind, and Fire, who used to drum for them early on, and it thumps. It's also nice to see mention of the J. Geils band. Back in the day, we played their live album, "Full House", frequently at our many school dorm gatherings. They were perfect for the mood - a relentless party band. Then as the rock gods would have it, they graced us with a performance at our school, playing the complete album! Best yet, it was within crawling distance of the dorm! How long ago was that? Well, the opening act was a regional group just beginning to break called the Eagles. They would later do a song called "Best of My Love", too, but that's a whole different thang.
Posted by Bill McDonald | September 2, 2007 8:39 AM
If you want to see me do some funny-looking stuff on the dance floor, you'd play the B-52s "Love Shack." And, as a 1990 release, it just gets in under the wire by your criteria.
Good luck today...looks like you'll have good weather.
Posted by teacherrefpoet | September 2, 2007 9:27 AM
J. Geils surged my synapses, too. whamma ramma jamma ramma The band lived (and practiced) in the basement of the Bateson Mansion, let's just date it as pre-Watergate, or pre-gas lines, in Newton, MA. While upstairs, above ground, lived a Guerilla Video Commune, and Light Show Extravaganza Production Company -- wall of sound meets wall of light ... which, in some way, possibly obscure, computer graphics I know a little bit about 'communed' with television production I know a little bit about. Hours of rare archived tape could be located showing J. and the boys at it, early, all night long, (but then, too, it was always night in the basement). ... what is this 'tape' you speak of?
So, Bill, are you going to make Jack's scene? Jack, is a dancing fool welcome on the East Side turf?
Posted by Tenskwatawa | September 2, 2007 9:39 AM
How about Bill Withers - You've Got the Stuff?
Posted by Sebastian | September 2, 2007 9:44 AM
Got'ny cheesy Philly soul shake? (easy for me to say) Commodores? I just wanna testify / Sho been delicious to me. Callin out, around the world, they'll be dancin, dancin in the street. Where do all the hippest meet, South Street, South Street.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | September 2, 2007 9:46 AM
Friends, inquisitive friends, are askin' me what's come over me.
Posted by Jack Bog | September 2, 2007 10:38 AM
Hard drive, eh? If you're trying to shift any of that old vinyl, I'd love to take some of it off your hands.
Posted by Matt Davis | September 2, 2007 10:39 AM
If you're doing everything via hard drive, just make sure you have EVERY application in the background turned off that could possibly make noise, as well as all the windows sounds turned off in the control panel. The last thing you need during the middle of one of those songs is some random windows "ding" noise to pierce through it because you clicked somewhere wrong.
Posted by Jake | September 2, 2007 10:52 AM
A change, there's been a change, and it's oh, so plain, to see, now.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | September 2, 2007 10:58 AM
A coincidence, appearing this day.
The Music Man, By LYNN HIRSCHBERG, September 2, 2007
Rick Rubin is listening. ... The mighty music business is in free fall — it has lost control of radio; retail outlets like Tower Records have shut down; MTV rarely broadcasts music videos; and the once lucrative album market has been overshadowed by downloaded singles, which mainly benefits Apple.
"The music business, as a whole, has lost its faith in content," David Geffen, the legendary music mogul, told me recently. "Only 10 years ago, companies wanted to make records, presumably good records, and see if they sold. But panic has set in, and now it's no longer about making music, it's all about how to sell music. And there's no clear answer about how to fix that problem. But I still believe that the top priority at any record company has to be coming up with great music." ...
Posted by Tenskwatawa | September 2, 2007 12:08 PM
Geffen said this YEARS ago. The music business has changed dramatically over the last 15+ years. Record stores are dying and an early sign was when Tower Records' mismanagement started to cause its downfall over 10 years ago (It was not the mp3 that killed Tower. It was already starting to flatline before Napster came along). The industry knew what an institution Tower was and did its best to keep it going, but in the end it was just beating a dead horse.
People are finally tired of pop stars churning out one (arguably) listenable song tucked away in an album of 50 minutes worth of filler. Why are people turning to myspace to look for new bands? Why are so many people downloading music rather than buying an album? Because people are finally sick of the majors and are tired of being fooled by tired marketing ploys. The RIAA is so militant about busting music pirates because they know they can't rely on quality product anymore. They are scared that people are finally wising up to them. I don't understand why the majors just start putting out listenable art rather than marketing formulas. Or just embrace that the world is changing and people want mp3s on their ipods rather than a tangible object like a CD.
RIP - Record Stores. It's been fun digging for records. Maybe a few specialty stores for nerds like me can hang on. Or they can go the Music Millenium route and sell kitschy toys and t-shirts to generate income. Oh wait, that didn't work so well either. Damn.
Posted by ex-valley girl | September 2, 2007 12:59 PM
just make sure you have EVERY application in the background turned off that could possibly make noise
Nothing would ice the crowd faster than some of those Windows sounds.
Posted by Jack Bog | September 2, 2007 2:09 PM