
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 17, 2003 10:33 AM. The previous post in this blog was In case you haven't heard. The next post in this blog is Funny, nome sane?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 17, 2003

Yes, we went to a party, party

As promised, an update on Saturday night's DJ stint. It all went well -- 5½ hours' worth. The dance floor was busy for most of the night, and the celebrants' college-age offspring brought up the rear with a spirited rally just after midnight. The set that got the "shorties" out there featured, at their persistent request, island greats Bob Marley and Arrow, and then Al Green. They would have gone until 3 had their parents (and the hall owner) not pulled the plug around 1:30.

If I do say so myself, I picked the perfect Motown songs, which I laid on back to back in prime time. There are so many to choose from, but here are the best selections: Supremes, "Love is Like an Itching in My Heart"; Four Tops, "Standing in the Shadows of Love"; Junior Walker, "Shake and Fingerpop"; Edwin Starr, "25 Miles"; Temptations, "Ain't Too Proud to Beg"; Capitols, "Cool Jerk" (though technically not Motown, they were backed by the Funk Brothers); and for one of night's few slow dances, Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell, "Your Precious Love." Best mistake of the night: I inadvertently played "Danger Heartbreak Dead Ahead" by the Marvelettes, when I was in fact going for something else. But the goodwill of the rest of the Motown numbers carried it handily.

Naturally, the boomers also went for the Stones: "Under My Thumb," "Satisfaction," "Brown Sugar," "Let's Spend the Night Together." I pulled the trigger a little too early on "Start Me Up" -- before the beer and wine kicked in, and it got no response.

Apex of the night? Beatles' "Birthday," of course. And ashamed as I was of the cliché, Kool & the Gang's "Celebration" right after that.

Dud of the night? There were a few, but I've got to give the booby prize to War, "Me and Baby Brother." Yawn.

Track I inadvertently left home, and of course got a request for right away: B-52s, "Love Shack."

I've gotten spoiled in the digital era. Cueing up analog tapes has gotten way old. Next time around, I'll have to figure out how to burn everything onto CDs to eliminate that chore.

In sum, it was fun. But I'm glad I don't have another one coming up next weekend.

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