Money talks
One of our favorite troublemakers shares the latest campaign finance reports in the Multnomah County commission race between Jeff Cogen and Lew Frederick. Here's Cogen and here's Frederick. Executive summary: Cogen's got lots of money behind him, Frederick not. (They're big fat pdf files, so wait them out if you click.)
Our previous complaint that the county should be posting these reports on the internet got this response, but it's not convincing.
There's also a Metro race out there for some voters, between Kathryn Harrington and Tom Cox, and their reports are here and here, respectively. Harrington has all the money, from the developers, the unions, etc. Without even looking at the race any closer than that, you can see that she's the overwhelming favorite.
Metro officially posts at least some of the reports. Here, for example, is the page devoted to Cox, and here's Harrington's. All the more reason to wonder why Multnomah County has never gotten around to the practice.
Comments (4)
Executive summary: Cogen's got lots of money behind him, Frederick not.
Which makes it all the more puzzling that Lew can't get his numbers to add up.
Posted by Jonathan | October 29, 2006 1:31 PM
Posted by Jack Bog | October 29, 2006 2:33 PM
Jack, as mentioned in the news article, I, as treasurer for Mr. Frederick's campaign, accept full responsibility for the errors in the report.
I made those errors, not Lew. Lew Frederick is a good man, an extremely qualified candidate and will be an excellent county commissioner.
The reports have been corrected, verified and will be re-submitted to the county elections office first thing Monday morning.
Posted by Moses Ross | October 29, 2006 2:59 PM
Harrington has a cost structure that her fundraising can't support - $30,000 for consultants, and her direct mail pieces apparently cost $1.50 each vs. Cox's $0.43. That's the peril of using expensive political consultants to run your campaign.
She'll need about $150,000 to $200,000 to just stay even with Cox. Think she can?
Posted by Anonymous | October 29, 2006 3:02 PM