
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 29, 2006 12:22 PM. The previous post in this blog was Money talks. The next post in this blog is Bah, humbug. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Move over, Martha Stewart

Maybe somebody hacked into her website. Or maybe it's for real. But either way, it's hysterical:

Clean money, baby!

(Via b!X.)

Comments (12)

Looks like she's in Miami, Florida.

That area code also now serves the Florida Keys. I didn't actually notice that it originally served only Miami-Dade.

The new book sounds fascinating. Anyway I can get an advance copy to Erik?

b!X: Either way, it's not that bad a commute to her new job.

BellSouth reports they "currently do not show a BellSouth phone account for the number". Could be a cellphone, I guess.

Ah, a search elsewhere puts area code 786 with prefix 375 in Miami for sure, and lists it as a cellular number.

Her best motivational speech to date: "...in a van, down by the river!"

Her best motivational speech to date: "...in a van, down by the river!"

LOL! Jack, you're killin' me!

I knew we had trouble right here in River City when Boyles was invited to the City Club debate because she had "qualified" for public money and I was initially not invited because my candidacy was "not credible". Then, of course, she opened her mouth at the City Club. I was reminded of the old slogan about Barry Goldwater... "in your guts you know he's nuts".

I am proud to have been the first person to publicly call on her to return the city's money. I did that at the League of Women Voter's forum. Boyles never showed herself at any forums after that.

If memory serves me well Florida has laws that are very friendly to debtors/deadbeats who owe judgments when compared to collection remedies in other jurisdictions. A head of household can exempt significant amounts of income from writs of garnishment and the like. Perhaps it wasn't just the sunshine that played a role in Emilie's choice of a new domicile.

Actually, she may or may not be in Florida. Her cell phone is from there. I keep getting indications that she's somewhere in Montana.

I keep getting indications that she's somewhere in Montana.

Back in August, a Theo article intimated as much, in fact. It does seem increasingly likely.

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