
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 3, 2004 5:21 PM. The previous post in this blog was Fighting back. The next post in this blog is Get out your markers. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 3, 2004

Show me the money

I've been away for a few days, so readers, help me out: Has anyone yet seen the official tally on how much the Multnomah County income tax brought in? It was supposed to be $127 million, with $7 million in collection expenses.

I've seen county estimates that 80 percent of those expected to file, did file by April 15. I don't know whether to trust that number or not -- I'm sure the estimated number of returns could have gotten adjusted here and there to reflect reality.

But it's impossible to fudge the $127 million number, which County Chair Diane Linn mailed to every household in the county last year. How much of that actually showed up?

And if the number hasn't been published yet, why are our local media letting the county off the hook about it?

Comments (3)

"And if the number hasn't been published yet, why are our local media letting the county off the hook about it?"

I searched through local media and google and could find no report. A key reason I have been so delighted to find local blogs (such as yours, my favorite) is that The Oregonian in my opinion does a poor and very protective job of covering local government, hardly to mention state. Vis-a-vis state they seem disinterested; vis-a-vis local they seem very, very much to violate Joseph Pulitzer's adage that Newspapers should have no friends.

My update: heard on local tv news last night that 90 percent of tax bills are reported to be paid or incoming. Believe it? What's your update or uptake?

The mult. co. comissioners have added an ITAX update to the calender...it will be heard on May 13th at 10:35am

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