
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 3, 2004 5:27 PM. The previous post in this blog was Show me the money. The next post in this blog is Rats!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, May 3, 2004

Get out your markers

Here's a game that Portlanders will enjoy. See a hipster, cover a square. For a quicker game, head over to Hawthorne Boulevard. You can play a good "blackout" round over there in less than an hour.

Comments (6)

The challenge would be lost, taking this game to Hawthorne. It would be just too easy.

Hawthorne is kinda "over" as hipsters go. Lots of hippies and people who still think it's hip.

You could do it without getting up from your seat if you went to Holocene on a Friday night, though.

Thanks for the update. I remember when "hip" was a mullet haircut and a Toto album. Don't know from Holocene.

Ummm...so Holocene offers 'nuts and olives' (for 4 dollars) as a dinner entree. What's up with that. I'm even their target demographic, but that's just not cool...

Check out the Holocene website if you want your browser to come to a crashing halt (it killed firefox, at least).

*snicker* I could probably populate a few more of those cards with other hipster stereotypes. Someone should seriously make a board game out of that.

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