
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 20, 2004 2:33 AM. The previous post in this blog was Decompression time. The next post in this blog is Same cr*p, different week. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Now and at the hour of tipoff, amen

I've been trying to remember from my Catholic grammar school days which is the patron saint of NCAA basketball office pools. St. Sweet Sixtenus? I'd drop a prayer to Jimmy the Greek, but somehow I suspect he hasn't made it to the Big Show yet.

Anyway, there are eight games in the tournament today, and I have a horse in all eight. And so I'm sending out my best vibrations to:

Duke Gonzaga Wake Forest St. Joe's Stanford Maryland Connecticut Texas

They're all favored in the seedings, but weird stuff can happen. That's why they call it gambling.

UPDATE, 9:39 p.m.: Went only 5-3 today. I'm sure no one else had Stanford and Gonzaga losing, either. But Maryland let me down, and with the day went any reasonable chance at my taking home the big bucks in the pool.

Comments (3)

If it makes you feel better, I'm down in Reno with my family and everyone's stunned that Nevada managed to beat Gonzaga. Go Pack!

I love Reno during spring break, and I love the Pack! I couldn't bet on them beyond the first round -- the old adage about betting with your head rather than your heart -- but now I hope they go all the way.

It was *the* topic at church today. Even the liturgist mentioned it during the announcements! There were Nevada ties on about half the men in the congregation, too, and for the first time in very long time, my Pack sticker in the car window wasn't alone.

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