
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 23, 2013 4:43 PM. The previous post in this blog was Tri-Met's in play in Salem. The next post in this blog is Phil Knight's money advances in hoops tourney. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

All the jerky he can eat

Here's Craig Berkman's mugshot from Florida. It's good to see that he has a $50 credit in the jail commissary:

Comments (11)

Does the hold, the cell location, and the $50 credit mean he is really IN the slammer?
No bail?
Ouch! My how the mighty have fallen.

IIRC, in Florida, the house you live in is sheltered from creditors in bankruptcy. Even if it's Mar-A-Lago.

I recall reading that a few years ago Mr. Berkman's creditors pushed him into an involuntary bankruptcy after he had moved to Florida, but before he had met the residency requirement to protect his homestead ("mansionstead"?) from his creditors, specifically because of the large Florida exemption.

So the failed gubernatorial candidate goes to jail while the successful one doesn't.

Note to future self: make sure to get elected first.

Any chance we'll see Portlandia's current mayor in a similar photo for voter and tax fraud?

look at his Florida house on G-earth. Not bad.

Hey, I think I went to Madison High with that loser! Hey doesn't look good.

Too bad he cannot share a cell with Neal the child molester.

Wealthy people gave money to THIS man?!?

I recall reading that a few years ago Mr. Berkman's creditors pushed him into an involuntary bankruptcy after he had moved to Florida, but before he had met the residency requirement to protect his homestead ("mansionstead"?) from his creditors, specifically because of the large Florida exemption.

Zillow says it was last sold in August 2004 - looks like he's hung on to it.

look at his Florida house on G-earth. Not bad.

On the bright side, he should be used to living in the Big House.

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