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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Perp walk for Craig Berkman

The former chairman of the Oregon Republican Party is in hot water again, and this time he could end up in the slammer. What a way to spend life in your 70s.

Comments (8)

There two types of politicians:

The indicted.

The should be indicted.

What got me wasn't just that he was a repeat offender. It was that he went for the same scam. I see a lot of repeat trading offenders moving to either Texas or Florida because of our homestead act: since creditors legally can't take your house from you to pay off debts in most circumstances, a lot of these characters buy up big monstrous houses and hide a lot of money in overcharged contracts with buddies and fellow unindicted co-conspirators.

Well, there's always the bright side. At his age, if he gets more than five years, he can always tell people that he's a lifer.

What a way to spend life in your 70s.

It will make a nice field test of my own long-term-care strategy: federal minimum security detention. They offer universal, single-payer health coverage.

I'm told the food isn't so bad either.

This is actually good news! I've long noted that Portland is to Oregon as Chicago is to Illinois - with one glaring exception:

In Illinois, corrupt politicians occasionally get sent to jail.

Forgive me if I seem a little shocked by this, but in my banquet captain days I dealt with this guy a lot and I thought he was a pillar of the community type.

It seems like every day I see someone I encountered during my banquet years in the news...who was the last one? Oh, I know. C. Everett Koop. The guy who died recently. Seeing that dude at a banquet made a huge impression on me because he looked and talked like he had time-traveled from the 18th century. I couldn't get over how anachronistic he appeared.

Meanwhile, Craig: I dealt with him when he was head of the Republican Party here in Oregon and I always thought he was a high caliber establishment type. Not that I really care, but it's a little unsettling to see him get in this kind of jam.

"It will make a nice field test of my own long-term-care strategy: federal minimum security detention. They offer universal, single-payer health coverage."

"I'm told the food isn't so bad either."

If you can just get past the sodomy.

I recently drove by some rather desolate mobile home communities out in the desert in Nevada that would make great places to stick these people. That or "the bathtub" in Beasts of the Southern Wild".
Prison is too good for them!

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