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An alert reader writes:
Here's a photo of an on street bike rack that was recently run over. It's located on the corner of Killingsworth and 30th. Seeing it made me think of your concerns about on street dining installations. It's only a matter of time.
Comments (15)
Finally, I get it: If a car smashes into it, it shouldn't have been there.
Posted by Allan L. | February 3, 2013 3:01 PM
It does have a certain humor to it for sure.
Posted by al m | February 3, 2013 3:31 PM
San Diego is painting over its green boxes! Seems they cause accidents.
Posted by Portland Native | February 3, 2013 3:46 PM
I get it too, Allan. A simple intelligence test.
Posted by Harry | February 3, 2013 4:02 PM
One has to wonder if those got taken out by accident or did someone take aim for them in the middle of the night?
Posted by Mr. Grumpyx | February 3, 2013 4:08 PM
Posted by Pom Mom of LO | February 3, 2013 4:33 PM
Someone should set up a "ghost" bike rack here. RIP.
Posted by Pom Mom of LO | February 3, 2013 4:36 PM
Probably a $4862.00 fix by the City that works.
And somehow there's no insurance or ?
Posted by gadfly | February 3, 2013 5:38 PM
I was unable to confirm the assertion posted al m that San Diego is "painting over its green boxes" (and San Diego used a different color anyway so I do not know his information source), but the equation is complicated.
• Traffic controls permitting greater access by non-motorized traffic generally increases the amount of non-motorized traffic (as in duh...). This, in turn, increases the potential of crashed involving non-motorized vehicles. To some degree, its statistics.
• Bike boxes are not a panacea... and may even prove to be something like the "sidewalk conundrum." In the early 70's city planners promoted wider sidewalks to accommodate bicycle traffic... until it was figured out that people coming out of driveways, etc. did not look for bicycle traffic on a sidewalk. They did, however, check for traffic coming down the street. Sidewalks, no matter how wide, were recognized as a bad idea... and the concept was generally abandoned by the well-meaning traffic engineers/planner types. There is a trend line developing on bike boxes. Idiot bicyclists feel too safe and their awareness is mitigated and drivers either don't see the bike box or may not know what it means. "Right hook" crashes are happening as a result.
We should be able to choose our preferred modality. And, it make sense we should adopt reasonable design paradigms to support choice, But, that does not mean we should be stupid or careless. I bicycle everywhere I can. But, I realize I am no match for the mass/speed of any motorized vehicle out there. I want open choice of modality, but I don't care to be stupid about how I mix with traffic.
Posted by x-portlander | February 3, 2013 5:56 PM
John Forster had it right: "Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles." Bicycles are vehicles. As long as they are treated as vehicles in planning, and bicyclists abide by traffic laws and act like vehicles on the road, there are not as many problems. The difficulties begin with government-funded bicycling-enabling craziness which says that people won't bicycle unless you make it safe and easy . . . or close bridges or entire neighborhoods occasionally to try and persuade more people to bicycle in a highly artificial environment that they'll never encounter in the real world. Bicycle paths and bike boxes are an illusion that are dangerous to drivers and budding bicyclists. It gives bicyclists the idea that they don't need to be extra aware of the fact that they're tiny and vulnerable compared to the giant metal vehicles they share the road with. It generates a sense of entitlement, illustrated most vividly by the minority of cyclists who exercise their middle fingers and slam their palms into the side of cars. It frustrates drivers who are increasingly confused by painted bike boxes and special vehicular rules and signs coined just for bicycles.
Lately I've heard people arguing that there's nothing wrong with bicycles on the sidewalks. Bicycles belong on the sidewalk only when they are being walked to or from a building or when ridden by a child with trainer wheels and a parent in attendance. It's a sideWALK not a sideRIDE. That's why skateboards, horses and scooters are not allowed on most sidewalks.
If bicyclists had to abide by the culture I began commuting in, there would not be as many cyclists on the road in Portland. And that would be just fine with me.
Posted by NW Portlander | February 3, 2013 8:14 PM
KBPS Jan 13,2013 has an article about the removal of the San Diego bike areas.
Posted by Portland Native | February 3, 2013 9:06 PM
Regarding vehicular cycling as espoused by John Forster, I ten years ago had a letter to the editor published in the Salem Statesman Journal regarding an SUV rider who yelled at me to "get out of the road". I didn't have an opportunity to educate the SUV driver that the entire downtown core sidewalk area was forbidden to cyclists and thus I was forced into the road, having at the time no bike lanes in the area. Should we be on the road? Should we be on the sidewalk? Should we be in a bike lane?
We need some road sharing best practices and policies and an education program to educate both cars and cyclists. For a while I considered requiring cyclist education, but figured that would reduce cycling too much. I came up with an alternative proposal: if a cyclist gets a ticket for not following rules, require that in lieu of fines, they take a special class and pass a test for rules of the road. Then car drivers would have some expectations for how cyclists should operate and cyclists would have an effective curriculum they could learn local best practices.
As it is now, the regulation and enforcement in this area is too fragmented.
It could be passed if we at the same time implemented the Idaho Stop Law idea. Give cyclists an important rule that allows them to not constantly violate laws (I don't know many that come to a complete stop at a clear four-way stop intersection), and in exchange, provide a mechanism to educate the bad apples that make other cyclists look bad that run red lights and do dangerous activities in front of motorists that learn to fear the behavior of cyclists they interact with on a daily basis.
I recently had an injury in a non-car-related bike crash and looked up lots of studies on bike accidents. It turns out that while fatalities are incredibly rare, injuries are much more frequent. As a major bicycle friendly city we should be leading the way in implementing innovative road sharing protocols that de-tension the cooperative use of local roads.
Posted by Seth Woolley | February 3, 2013 9:46 PM
There’s the culprit right there! The black SUV is burning rubber on his way to the next bike rack.
Posted by Bad Brad | February 3, 2013 10:14 PM
I'd be more in favor of strengthening young peoples education in physics.
It might just save their life someday.
Posted by tankfixer | February 4, 2013 8:25 PM
Maybe somebody modified the bike rack because they thought bicyclists should be required to purchase a $60 permit to park a bicycle on the streets.
Additionally, as other posts have alluded to, it seems bicyclists want to be perceived as both vehicle operators and pedestrians. All too often bicyclists will ride up to an intersection on the street only to turn into a marked crosswalk as if they were a pedestrian – at times almost being mowed down by drivers not expecting that kind of bicycling maneuver. There needs to be a law that mandates bicyclists walk their bicycles when in a crosswalk.
Posted by TR | February 5, 2013 1:12 PM