
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 9, 2013 8:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Tri-Met union takes case to public. The next post in this blog is Walking really is faster than the Portland streetcar. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

My drone sleeps alone

An alert reader noted our post yesterday about Gatsby Wyden and the killing of U.S. citizens by the U.S. government without due process of law, as is required by the Constitution. And as a card-carrying member of the ACLU, she directs us to this page, which explores the issues from a civil liberties perspective. Nasty stuff. The terrorists are winning.

Comments (11)

History is replete with stories of charismatic leaders who charmed their followers into bad ethical behavior. It's not enough to be furious at George W. Bush if you turn into a steaming pile of goo because you like President Obama. The White House calls these drone kills ethical and wise. (Think "unethical and unwise.") They went on to say that War is Peace and Freedom is Slavery. Wake up and snap out of it.

"What about all of these drones?
We're killing little kids like an app on our phones.
If we want to kill you then you're going to die,
along with everyone standing nearby.
That? That has to be wrong.
We're ruling the world like a mafia don,
so why don't we stand up and make a big fuss
or tell me how many drones does it take to be us?
How many drones does it take to be us?"

Just think if we could get the people who think the highest expression of personal liberty is schlepping small arms around to kick in $25 to the ACLU for public awareness and lobbying. This stuff might even make the news.

My drone sleeps alone

Too much "sleep" on the issue. If the information were on the forefront of the news so that people would "get it" maybe people would "Wake up and snap out of it."
Unfortunately, when I speak about the loss of our rights, many are in denial or think we live in the "country of freedom" - couldn't happen here!

"History is replete with stories of charismatic leaders who charmed their followers into bad ethical behavior. It's not enough to be furious at George W. Bush if you turn into a steaming pile of goo because you like President Obama."

The rubes are quite happy that Bush was Evil and Obama is Messiah, regardless of actions.

" Wake up and snap out of it."

Snap out of what? Their whole life everybody they knew told the rubes that everything Bush did was evil and everything Obama and his libtard rubes did was glorious.

The rubes have no critical thinking skills. Obama can do no evil. No waking up. No snapping out. WaPo/NYT is their only bible and Obama their messiah.

In 2003, she who must be obeyed said about enhanced interrogation "It's better than taking them into the alley and putting a bullet in the back of their heads."
In 2004, she who must be obeyed said about enhanced interrogation "It's better than taking them into the alley and putting a bullet in the back of their heads."
In 2005, she who must be obeyed said about enhanced interrogation "It's better than taking them in the alley and putting a bullet in the back of their heads."......
Oh, for the old days.


You may want to from time to time check into this national blog and the comment section and you will find progressives who are not afraid to be critical of the O and the D’s. It is true that many D's will not criticize the D's, however not this group and there are many others who do not support what is going on. Years ago, firedoglake was very critical of Blumenauer and there have been many negative comments of him on this blog as well.
Anyway as to
Snap out of what?
Snap out of only partaking of what liberty or freedoms we have left, and realize that we cannot take them for granted. We have laid back too long and now have an enormous uphill battle to get our rights back, for those who don’t think it is a problem,
snap out of denial.

I heard a government flak frothing at the mouth on NPR today, defending drones because we should be able to strike out at "our enemies." Never mind that they are only suspected of something. They have to die. They're "evil aliens" and potential enemies who MIGHT pose a threat to national security. And soon it may be more than some guy we don't know, who might or might not be guilty, sitting in his home in the Middle East or Pakistan. It might be your neighbor and they'll take you out with him if you're too close.

This combination of craven and self-entitled behavior is beyond madness. It makes me wish that there was some effective way that other civilized nations could put their collective feet down and say, "No More" without fear of suffering sanctions from the self-appointed sheriff of the world.

Another problem that Harry has is that if this return to authoritarian rule really accelerated under Bush - which it did with Gonzales, Cheney and Rumsfeld, etc..where the hell was the right wing protesting it back then?
Long before they got a chance to pontificate about Obama ignoring the Constitution, etc...they were silent and submissive during the Bush years. That's a problem for the right wing - especially these self-righteous blowhards like Mark Levine. How do they explain why they stood down while America got trampled by W. and Cheney?

Too many stood down and have continued to stand down, the worst of the bunch is our Congress. Remember when impeachment was off the table by Pelosi? Many thought then that some in Congress weren't acting because they themselves were complicit in matters.

Really I blame the MSM. If they don't support a canidate (Bush) they would spend a couple weeks flogging the story every night. When they support a canidate (Obama), it the story is mentioned at all it's a quick byline and they move on.

Bill, there were conservatives complaining about Bush just like there are liberals complaining about Obama now. Now ask yourself why those liberals are not getting any airtime on the 5 o'clock news.

I'm sure there were conservatives who didn't support Bush but I can't think of any big names in real time - not later, after it was over.
My memory was of a general lovefest including Dick Cheney using the NYTimes to sell Iraq and Giuliani calling Bush "Our Winston Churchill."
Rush, Sean, and Mark Levine are apoplectic about what Obama has done to the Constitution but they might as well have had cheerleader outfits and pompoms back then.

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