
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2013 8:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Let me stroke your leg -- it's not sexual. The next post in this blog is KBPS makes a comeback, sort of. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Give Gatsby his due

Sen. Ron Wyden (R-N.Y.) has let his liberal constituents down time after time when it comes to screwing the middle class. But he's been raising Cain for a while now about the U.S. government's targeted assassinations of its own citizens without any semblance of due process of law. That's scary as all get-out, and Wyden's been pushing for a public dialogue about it.

After a long time sounding the alarm, he's apparently, finally, getting somewhere on this issue. Even the White House is now playing ball, at least a little. It's hard to trust anything that comes out of Washington any more, but it appears that Wyden may actually be doing some good on this. There's a long way to go before we can stop worrying about it.

Comments (11)

Right now John Brennan's testifying before Congress as they try to determine if torture, illegal wiretaps, and drones is a good enough record to be put in charge of the CIA.

Senator Ron (R-N.Y.) must be coming up for re-election and needs to show all those folks back home, wherever that is, he's on the ball and has their back every so often.

"Even a blind pig can find an acorn now and then."

While you're in the mood to hand out Wyden props, don't forget that he's one of the few reasons that Sen. Leahy doesn't have lifetime free passes to go to the movies:


I'd love to see any of our Supreme Court attempt to explain how DNS works.

He is doing a nice job of playing the liberal card to make it look like they are tough on civil liberties. And compared to the rest of the Democratic war mongers, he looks like a saint.

Of course he NEVER asks any tough follow up questions, or actually very direct ones to start with. The question he asked the other day was more of a meandering mind dump than a question. To which Brennan then responded with a predetermined bunch of "optimized" BS.

If he knew that his vote would actually deny Brennan the position, then we would actually see what he is made of.

Any Constitutional scholar of Obama's caliber will tell you that murder by drone IS enough Due Process for anyone that would speak against the Messiah. Water boarding is pure torture and unworthy of the US. Just ask Marc Richs' pardoning attorney, Eric Holder. He'd never lie. Suckers.

The very thought of this and the future of these and our country is a nightmare!

To be honest, I am not sure why more congress members (and the public) aren't more critical here, regardless of their party affiliation. If you are a right-wing NRA type, assassination or monitoring by drones is bad news. If you are liberal and anti-war, how can you justify this policy that was so horrible under George Bush, but seemingly expanded under Obama?

What Tim said.
"Nightmare" indeed, so almost everyone wills himself or herself ignorant - in brain pain run away again, no gain.

Wyden's mega-fulsome nano-froth facade is the massmedia maneuver called 'getting out in front of the story.' The 'front' position is where the steering wheel is.

Wyden's soundbite might be more convincing beyond his puny affirmation of a right to command media time that airs a "public dialogue" by an in-studio focus group, and selected supporting cast of seats in some seats, and he could seem more authentic (than Ric's "shocked! shocked that this goes on"), if instead and insensed, he had it in him to affirm absolutely an immoral depravity of murder, and to charge lawless high crimes in operation, and to draft an appropriation for special investigation and measurements of mental health and mental madness, case by case, among leaders of Military-Industry.

And if he asked tough and direct questions, what Tim said.

I mean, you know, Wyden could be convincing and authentic if he were principled, and showed principles ... I forgot to say

He doesn't show it because he's not that.

It is never acceptable for the U.S. government to kill American Citizens. It goes against the Founding Wisdom and the very heart of our country's moral center. If Seal Team whoever can go get OBL, then they can go get an allegedly criminal U.S. citizen and bring them back for a fair trial. [and not a military tribunal]
So good job Ron, you are a Senior Senator now you have to hammer the wayward Administration and the clearly criminal behavior they are engaged in. We want ALL of our Constitution Freedoms and rights.

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