
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 7, 2013 5:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was Attention Fred Armisen. The next post in this blog is Just what the Interstate Bridge fiasco needs. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mike Reese just doesn't get it

It's hard to believe he can't figure out that when you're in a hole, stop digging.

Oh, and the road-raging, female-subordinate's-knee-touching lieutenant is now suing the city for demoting him.


An arbitrator recently overturned his firing of an officer who was caught using prescription pills, providing them to another officer and then drove drunk, he said.

No names, of course. What a wretched embarrassment the entire force has become.

Comments (3)

Staggering. His lawyer should keep him off the stand.

Nice reveal in the article: one public employee union member (Wyatt as PPB's rep) negotiating with another (PPB civilians).

I guess we should thank our blessing this inter-office discord within PPB ONLY results in bags of taxpayer money dished out to the easily offended employees.

Look at what the LAPD is dealing with. When THEIR employees get offended, they start by trying to strangle their brethren, then when what might be a legitimate whistle blower complaint is ignored and retaliation follows... declares war.

Still, I think it's SOMETIMES useful to read the rantings of a homicidal lunatic that used to wear a badge and two different uniforms.

Former LAPD Chris Donner's "manifesto":


"I found that the violent suspects on the street are not the only people you have to watch. It is the officer who was hired on to the department (pre-2000) before polygraphs were standard for all new hires and an substantial vetting in a background investigation."

"To those children of the officers who are eradicated, your parent was not the individual you thought they were. As you get older,you will see the evidence that your parent was a tyrant who loss their ethos and instead followed the path of moral corruptness. They conspired to hide and suppress the truth of misconduct on others behalf's."

And if it's worth anything, he HATES the NRA and seems to LOVE Piers Morgan.

Very disturbing. And he asks for his brain to be studied after his death.

And all OUR cops is bags of dough. I guess we're lucky OUR cop nutcases are merely greedy.

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