
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 6, 2013 8:35 PM. The previous post in this blog was Fly the friendly skies -- if you dare. The next post in this blog is Mike Reese just doesn't get it. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Attention Fred Armisen

The City of Portland is recruiting volunteers to clean out its new concrete drainage ditches. Can you imagine what they'll find? And surely they'll be deputized to turn in anyone who does something incorrect like washing their car on the street. Endless fun times ahead.

Comments (9)

Jack, this is hilarious. Surely setting up,that whole string of mock website screenshots is the most detailed and elaborate spoof you've ever done. Congratulations.

The Boy & Girl Grout Troops! Our Motto: "Be Ensnared."

I bet the SEIU is smiling.

Thanks, Allan! Thinking that was actually the City of Portland was too shocking to contemplate.

Jack...stop it! The city should have to do this all by themselves.

The most amazing part, sally and Portland Native? Somehow, Jack got all this up on the city's own website, and it's still there!

I see the SEIU being severely torqued by this. In Allentown, PA, in '09, they complained about an Eagle Scout service project (union pres got fired for that).

I actually DO wish they'd deputize people to clean up drains when they get clogged with leaves every fall. That would be worthwhile and very productive.

If they need cleaning, then they should be paid jobs, people need jobs. If the city were prudent in other ways which they haven't been, these services would be taken care of and these would be paying jobs.
I guess the pet projects and enormous fees for consultants are a priority.
What next will we be asked to volunteer?
Mow the parks? Clean the street lights?
Clean the loos?

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