
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 22, 2012 1:40 PM. The previous post in this blog was Uncle Phil has been shopping. The next post in this blog is An amazing Portlander needs your vote. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Info/Clackistani wins comment contest

A commenter going by the moniker Info/Clackistani/tighty righty ran away with our comment contest the other day, and so he gets to designate where $250 of our charity donation goes from Buck-a-Hit Day. Any organization covered by tax code section 501(c)(3) is eligible. Given the nature of the winning comment, it will be interesting to see which charity gets the dough. Congratulations to Info, thanks to everyone who voted, and thanks to everyone who participated in any way in our 10th annual charity fundraising event.

Comments (1)

I'm glad to see Info's comment getting recognition for acknowledging Jack's "new normal". Jack so many times forgets "labels" and "blurrs...stereotyping". We need more common sense. Thanks Jack and Info.

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