
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 13, 2012 1:48 PM. The previous post in this blog was Do state income taxes breed strip malls?. The next post in this blog is Car haters zoom in on Foster Road. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sustainable Susan flips Char-Lie the bird

This is getting interesting. The bureaucrats in the City of Portland "sustainability" office are dismissing out of hand the mayor-elect's calls for a moratorium on the building of parking-less cr-apartments in the city's established inner eastside neighborhoods. Will the mayor be sufficiently miffed at this to clean house in that bureau when he takes over a month and a half from now? One can only hope. That group is out of control and as arrogant as City Hall gets -- which is saying quite a lot.

Comments (11)

Guess someone is going to indicate to the bureaucracy who the new mayor is.

Hopefully this will piss Hales off...

If Hales can't fire Sustainable Susan, he should just re-assign her to hand washing the city's fleet of Priuses.

Mayor Taxcheat will collect all of the bureaus. Then he will redistrbute. Hopefully, Susan gets nothing at all and the appointed level bureaucrats get unappointed and tossed out into the street.

I wonder if the Mayor-elect reads this blog. He would need a thick skin, but it would make sense. Big picture is that he won't get a second term if portland remains on its current trajectory.

Susan's authority supercedes that of all elected officials. She's in charge of our region's chief export, and not only that, she's responsible for most of the storylines on Portlandia.


Susan needs to go but my cynical side wonders if this isn't a way for the Mayor-elect to appear to be fighting this issue but in actuality supporting the status quo by sending the bureau a back channel message that this announcement would be met with some puffery but not any actual negative consequences.

If he were truly serious I would've expected him to keep his mouth closed about any shakeups until he was in office. Otherwise, he's giving the machine advance opportunity to dig up or plant dirt on him to discredit him. Arrogance when threatened knows no rules.

One has to wonder as entrenched as plans are
and that Hales was part of it in the first place,
how much of this might be kabuki theater?

"Public Planning Process"...There is no greater Orwellian phrase in P-town.

Charlie needs to to the right thing by replacing the entire commission.

Reading this Portland Planning document "New Apartments and Parking
Frequently Asked Questions November 2012"
is maddening. Careful with your blood pressure if you choose to read it:

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