Rogue Clacky commissioners hiss nastily in defeat
Clackamas County chair Charlotte Lehan and commissioner Jamie Damon, who were decisively defeated in their re-election bids on Tuesday, are refusing to concede their elections, intimating that it has something to do with a county elections worker who was caught tampering with somewhere between two and six ballots. Lehan and Damon each lost by more than 6,000 votes.
It's catty of the two of them not to bow out gracefully, but it's not surprising. They were voted out of office because they refused to honor the will of the majority of residents in their county -- a will that was consistently expressed at the polls several times during their terms, in initiatives that they forced the populace to file about "urban renewal" and light rail. It's fitting that the two of them should be in denial about the results of the very election that ousted both of them. And the longer they throw this latest tantrum, the tighter the seals will be on the coffins of their political careers.
Comments (14)
They should really be wondering how tight the handcuffs are when they start their own personal Perp Walk. The cute little secret meetings they had in order to issue bonds and then authorizing the back door loan from Bank Of America is going to be beautiful music in court.
Maybe Kitz will pardon them just before he appoints them to run some state dept. for a bunch of bucks.
I hear PDOT needs a new incompetent. Lehan could clearly P...away another $40 million on DMV computers and then be ready for a promotion and raise, Kitz is good for that.
Posted by BoBo | November 10, 2012 12:41 AM
Careful what you wish for Clackistan....
I have no love for Lehan, Damon, or light rail, but with Ludlow, somehow I feel like a deal has been made with the devil. I believe he will ride this "Portland creep" into celibrity(his own) and leave Clackamas County in ruins.
Posted by Brian | November 10, 2012 1:01 AM
The new commissioners will do far less harm than the old ones did.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 10, 2012 6:06 AM
Dear Lehan and Damon:
I hope the door does hit you on the way out.
Posted by Mister Tee | November 10, 2012 6:48 AM
Conservatives wanted their shot. Here it is. They have a great opportunity to surprise detractors, excel, and show how smart government can actually help people prosper. It won't be easy. They will be under a media micoscope, with progessive u-boats always within close torpedo range. Here's to wishing them a safe voyage.
Posted by Gibby | November 10, 2012 7:46 AM
Ditto for the new crew in Lake O. Every mistake, no matter how trivial, will be pounced upon mercilessly.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 10, 2012 7:49 AM
Lehan and Damon are going out in style.
Oh brother where art thou?
Ludlow may have a deal with the devil?
Quite the contrary Ludlow's rise to chair was a very collaborative effort riding the crest of rebellion across the county.
The many battles in the county made this possible and his hard work on the campaign trail saw him building relationships in all of them.
The rejection of the Portland agenda (Creep)was wide and deep on election night.
John worked closely with the rail vote 3-401 chief petitioners and supporters.
They cover Lake Oswego, Oak grove where John grew up and Damascus where the election brought big gains. Canby turned over as well.
Folks across the county are looking forward to having a board of county commissioners siding with the public instead of always siding with the government partners against the public will.
Despite the Lehan efforts to paint him wrongly John has the temperament and network to transition and move forward with solid alliances, support and well thought out increments.
You've also misread Ludlow on his "own celebrity leaving the county in ruins". What a hoot that is.
That was Lehan's core and she was taking the county down the rail to ruin.
Ludlow has no celebrity pursuits at all.
He does have lots of friends and as things transition everyone will discover he has many friends who are county employees glad to see the positive changes.
Gibby and Jack are spot on though.
Every move made will be scrutinized like the Creep agenda never was.
How special that will be to see the media miraculously interested in performance.
But with the new open and honest government not always up to something else it will be easy for the public to know what is actually going on.
Posted by Clackistanis News | November 10, 2012 9:40 AM
Ludlow is a great guy. But he sometimes goes into "bombastic" mode, where he is very rude, pushy and overly dramatic.
If he can keep that side of him under wraps, I think he will be good for Clackamas County. If he decides to fight with Bernard at every turn, he is going to cause more harm than good.
As far as Lehan and Damon go, expect this to go to court and take months to figure out. If Lehan's history is any indication she will find every avenue and tell every lie possible to try to "prove" that she didn't lose but the election was "stolen."
This is the absolute worst case scenario, because now Lehan will never accept that she lost the election. She will be back.
Posted by Patrick | November 10, 2012 10:00 AM
They didn't tamper with 6,000 votes. The harder she pushes, the less likely she is to be elected to anything ever again.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 10, 2012 10:01 AM
Where did you get that phony "bombastic" take on Ludlow?
He has nothing to "keep under warps".
Ludlow won't have to fight Bernard at any turn. He'll be out voted.
Do you have any examples of a what a "fight with Bernard causing more harm than good" looks like? Because you lost me.
What does Lehan and Damon have to take to court to "figure out"?
I agree her majesty Lehan will try all she can to deny she was throw out of office.
But any "absolute worst case scenario" is for her and nothing else.
If she does comes back it will have to be some appointment or in Wilsonville where she may have some lingering support in the Charbonneau community.
Damon, having become a commissioner only by appointment herself , has made a huge mistake in following Lehan's juvenile response to being thrown out of office.
Many will see that as further evidence her appointment in the first place was nothing but a stacking of the deck with another one of "them".
A reminder:
Martha Schreader, Ann Lininger, Bob Austin & Jamie Damon were all first appointed commissioners and Lehan appointed to be Chair.
Lynn Peterson ran the coup and somehow she was never accused of "buying the election".
"Many considered her a long shot when she took on Republican incumbent Larry Sowa in the 2006 general election. The former environmental activist had never run a countywide race. But she raised nearly twice as much money as her opponent, beating him in one of the closest and most expensive races in county history."
Stacy & Witbeck gave her 1000s and the rest of the crony capitalist & "regional partnership" (Goldschmidt) machine piled it up so they could take over the county. Peterson eventually made sure Lininger, Austin and Damon were appointed.
Here is a good history lesson:
"She ran for the Lake Oswego City Council, and after taking office in 2002, dug into transportation, encouraging the city to implement more roundabouts and streetcars".
Lynn Peterson heads a revamped Clackamas County
Politically and organizationally, the Board of Commissioners is far different from just two years ago
Monday, July 07, 2008
The Oregonian Staff
Posted by Clackistan News | November 10, 2012 10:35 AM
The jury has surprised them and it sounds like they're trying to get the election ruled a 'mistrial' so that backers can have more time to influence a 'retrial'.
Who ultimately calls this? I sure hope it's not the Oregon Secretary of State.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | November 10, 2012 10:40 AM
"It's catty of the two of them not to bow out gracefully"
THat's the only fame thse two will ever get out of life - You think they're going to go quietly?
METRO can find them a paper-shuffling job for $150K/year if they're so over-wrought.
Posted by Steve | November 10, 2012 10:53 AM
Defeated on the Sellwood Bridge fee. Defeated on urban renewal. Defeated on light rail. And now, defeated in their re-election campaigns but refusing to leave. Reminds me of Monty Python: "It's just a flesh wound!"
Posted by Alice | November 10, 2012 11:41 AM
I am sure John Ludlow is busy laughing in the knowledge these losers would not go without being tossed out on their butts. Leftists never like to see the people actually have a say in where taxpayers monies are spent. These two losers probably with throw tantrums till the second they are walked out the building, with an escort .
Posted by vperl | November 11, 2012 11:59 AM