
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 10, 2012 6:11 AM. The previous post in this blog was Rogue Clacky commissioners hiss nastily in defeat . The next post in this blog is Wolf! Wolf! Obama's talking tough on taxes again.. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mac concedes

It appears the Lake O. mayor's race is over. Does that mean that the Homer Williams scam machine will be sent packing from that lovely burg? As a Portland resident, we certainly hope so. You can bet that old Char-Lie Hales will do whatever it takes to help Uncle Homer move the Portland sewage treatment plant, build a streetcar, and bunkerize the east side of L.O. -- much of it at Portland taxpayers' expense.

Comments (4)

"I urge our city’s future leaders to respect the views of all city residents, including those of virtually half of the electorate who share my vision and ideas.".

Greg appears to be a nice person and the campaigns for all positions in LO were, thankfully, very positive and respectful. Macpherson has a good reputation from his days in Salem when he tried to reform PERS, and he is no doubt very knowledgable about state-wide politics. However, his connections to local government have been thin to non-existent and he admitted that he ran because he was asked to do so by friends. It is obvious to everyone that his candidacy represented the vision and ideas of the current power group, and given the money and outside connections brought to bear in our small town's mayoral race, it was a cynical political move. Here's to a more cohesive citizenry that can get get behind our local government as they manage and chart Lake Oswego's course for the future.

Mac needs to stay at the state level and reform PERS.

It'll only get reformed by a D (as in Democratic politician, not D****ebag), and only a D with gonads. Not many of those types left in this leftie state.

Maybe now, with the local political winds changing, Homer will be in-dike-ed. Those two have been influence-peddling and stealing right and left.

And maybe someone in media will expose the graft that has been going on so Kate Brown can ignore it.

You can bet that old Char-Lie Hales will do whatever it takes to help Uncle Homer move the Portland sewage treatment plant, build a streetcar, and bunkerize the east side of L.O. -- much of it at Portland taxpayers' expense.

He may lay back for awhile on the streetcar, but forward on that sewage treatment plant, part of the grand plan of the PWB and we will pay and pay in more ways than one with Charlie in there. What is happening with that document on Kate Brown's desk? The law doesn't apply this time?

The O made a big splash about what was going on over at the Clackamas scene, look
over there, nary a word about Hales!

How many are planning to or would like to leave Portland now that Hales waltzed back in apparently given a pass from behind the curtain?

Who can honestly say that living in a community under this kind of regime is healthy? Certainly not healthy for the soul and by the time they are done with their grand plans on our water and that smart growth business, it won't be healthy period except for the willing devotees and the oligarchy who can afford to live elsewhere when the mood strikes.

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