Rough night for this Portland "creative" on bike

Having a life apparently wasn't part of it. The guy brings together both the hipster element and the violent mental illness that are making inner Portlandia what it is today. Perhaps he's one of "the 'millennials' -- the generation that will provide our next cohort of well-educated entrepreneurs."
This is whom the "planners" are wrecking the city to attract. The judge should order him to do his community service on the planning commission.
Comments (46)
Car hating in Portland isnt' really creative anymore. It's sooo status quo. Why don't these guys find something new to hate?
Hell of a mugshot, though.
Posted by dg | November 27, 2012 10:53 AM
Hi! I’m a law abiding and tax paying creative millennial with a BFA in graphic design and a minor in entrepreneurship. Your arguments are invalid.
Posted by Reid Parham | November 27, 2012 10:54 AM
The guy in the mugshot is "invalid."
Posted by paul | November 27, 2012 10:56 AM
Did I mention that I ride my bike or public transit, live in the urban core, and own a smartphone?
Please, tell us more about how you’re an old curmudgeon and people like me are ruining the world.
Posted by Reid Parham | November 27, 2012 11:00 AM
I was facing multiple felonies and managed to keep it together for TWO mug shots. This guy can't quit crying for one!? Kids these days.
Hope he gets more than a slap on the wrist.
Posted by Bean | November 27, 2012 11:16 AM
Clearly, Reid Parham feels a special kinship to this vandal.
Most of us don't.
Since Reid identifies himself with Robert Bradford, perhaps he should not be shocked when others do so.
Posted by ltjd | November 27, 2012 11:19 AM
"The judge should order him to do his community service on the planning commission."
Let's not suggest that. They'd probably give him a job as an intern once his service was complete.
Posted by Brian | November 27, 2012 11:20 AM
Ever notice that commenters like Reid need a lot of validation for their lifestyle choices? I swear we know that Seth Wooley guy's whole life around here.
The point is that nobody cares, Reid. Live however you want. We just don't need the local government preaching to us to be like you (or you like us) and spending our tax money to make our lifestyles more inconvenient to the benefit of your lifestyle.
And we don't need commentary from the planner set about how young people are going to fuel the economy here. If so, then do it already. Let's see the results, instead of expensive studies about hypothetical future results.
Posted by Snards | November 27, 2012 11:21 AM
Oh...sorry, I was sidetracked.
I intended to comment on the unlikely possibility that a real reporter SOMEWHERE would review the photos and videos from past occupy events.
My guess is Bradford's mug could be found right up front next to "Pepper Spray Girl".
Sadly, I know of no real reporters remaining in the area.
Posted by ltjd | November 27, 2012 11:25 AM
"Reid," you are hysterically funny. Thank you for brightening up what would otherwise be a difficult day, what with the arrest and all. Whoever you are, you are a master of parody.
This send-up web page also cracks me up:
From Salem, Oregon! And a "minor in entrepreneurship"! Keep it coming, dude, whoever you are. Comedy gold.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 27, 2012 11:25 AM
Someone get this guy a change of underwear, because it's obvious that his ex-girlfriend jeans now have a thirty-pound dump in them. Oh, and get Reid some Tucks for his butthurt.
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | November 27, 2012 11:33 AM
Reid would probably like live in a place where he would be surrounded by like thinking people. I wish him well.
Posted by David E Gilmore | November 27, 2012 11:49 AM
Considering that the suspect in question had no link whatsoever mentioned in these articles to the "creative class" other than the fact that he was young and on a bike (news flash: bums, meth-heads, and the poor don't ride bikes because they're green), Reid's protests are of course perfectly reasonable here. Good job continuing to make senseless comparisons!
And Jack, why are you always such a jerk to the software developer/civil service 20-somethings that post on your site, mocking their linkedin profiles and degrees, but have never posted mine?! I've complained and insulted you a ton and I never get that treatment! When are you going to out me for having written a thesis in college on _a poem_ thereby rendering all my arguments null and void?!
Seriously though, Jack. Mental illness _is_ a serious problem, as you often point out. Suggesting it's connected to some pet concern of yours is rather insulting to the many saints working to help people with mental issues (I'm not one of them, though my Mom often has been). Stick to the funding issue, and you have a point.
Posted by Thomas Sherlock Craig | November 27, 2012 12:04 PM
Boy, that mugshot photo is sure bringing them out today. Hits a nerve, doesn't it? They should put that face on the Portland city seal, because it pretty much sums up what's happened to a town that once had a future.
Thanks for the lecture, Thomas. Give my love to Mom and Dad the next time you're doing your laundry.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 27, 2012 12:22 PM
Just reading the description of the crying hipster's performance art indicates he's one of those treasured creatives.
Posted by Bark Munster | November 27, 2012 12:24 PM
Perfectly happy to say that my parents have been assets financially as well as emotionally and otherwise even during my adult life. But of course, your insult fails to hit a chord. I'm financially self-sufficient, and well ahead of where my parents were in income, employability, and general "success" at my age (which isn't to say they weren't doing well). And that is, of course, what they always wanted, and why they helped me get here.
I do my own damn laundry, jerk. And have the cajones to respond to a logical argument rather than banning your detractors.
Posted by Thomas Sherlock Craig | November 27, 2012 12:32 PM
Goodbye, son. You've become oh so tiresome.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 27, 2012 12:35 PM
And in case it wasn't obvious:
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | November 27, 2012 12:36 PM
Here's one where some young creatives fled their act of vandalism (and murder) in a car. Of course, that's Los Angeles, and they weren't caught. So the takeaway here is obviously that bikes help catch criminals.
Posted by pmalach | November 27, 2012 12:42 PM
I graduated cum laude and have a successful career, Jack. What's your next ad hominem?
Posted by Reid Parham | November 27, 2012 12:54 PM
At one time horse thieves were shot. Since about 1920, the modern day horse has been the automobile which has allowed American farmers to reduce pasture and grazing lands for horses and other beasts of burden by 244 million acres – much of it land that was reforested. This so-called creative millennial creep will probably get a slap on the wrist and a new bike subsidized in part by the taxpaying owners of the vehicles he vandalized. The car haters feed off of other people by wanting their transport ride totally paid for on the backs of those who drive. They represent the true definition of hypocrites. When the old curmudgeons die, who is going to pay for this young creative freeloading lifestyle?
Posted by TR | November 27, 2012 1:25 PM
I didn't know it was possible to "minor" in entrepreneurship.
I think of it as a pursuit, or a preference for self-employment over being employed by someone else, rather than a degree.
Does that make me a curmudgeon too?
Posted by Mister Tee | November 27, 2012 1:33 PM
Entrepreneurship might be a popular high school subject, if it were offered.
Posted by David E Gilmore | November 27, 2012 1:37 PM
It’s a standard minor:
Posted by Reid Parham | November 27, 2012 2:03 PM
I graduated cum laude and have a successful career, Jack. What's your next ad hominem?
You're doing fine on your own. Tell us about your kung fu achievements.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 27, 2012 2:28 PM
Back in the day (so long ago, I actually went to OSU with a fellow student named Weatherford of Weatherford Hall, site of the Entrepreneurship Program at OSU) it was just called a Business Minor from the School of Business.
Still, regardless of the name, it is a good Minor for any student to have.
So, Reid, not to go so far off the current topic that we might get back on topic, what say you about the delinquent cry-baby tire-slasher? What is his excuse for car-hating so violently?
Posted by Harry | November 27, 2012 3:06 PM
What a little brat. Feel bad for the people/businesses this twerp cost a bunch of time and money, crying because he got caught. If this is some ideological "statement" rather than garden variety jerk, it wouldn't surprise me. The anti car/big business crowd is more than entitled to have a viewpoint different from mine our yours, but (just like Occupy) when they start making it impossible for people to go about their lives they lose me. Hope this jerk has to pay for all the damage he caused.
Posted by NEPguy | November 27, 2012 3:16 PM
'This is whom the "planners" are wrecking the city to attract.'
That be the punchline.
Just imagine an old man with black socks protruding from his birkenstocks screaming "Get off my lawn!"
Weird isn't working. Remember?
Brighter posts have kernels of truth, but it's doubtful that there's an interest in finding common ground or a meaningful exchange of ideas. Looks more like the "Haves" taking it out on the "Have nots".
There are substantive issues over equity and representation, but it all seems to boil down to a distaste for a particular aesthetic.
Posted by InterceptMedia | November 27, 2012 3:22 PM
I had my tires slashed once by a car hating Vietnam vet. He was wearing night vision goggles and used a fishing spear. Got all the cars in at least two parking lots.
Guess it takes all types.
Sure sucked to have to replace those tires as a hard working Millennial trying to make it on my own.
Posted by Veruca Nato | November 27, 2012 3:32 PM
Bachelor of FINE ARTS in Graphic Design from the Oregon State University School of Business?
MY ALMA MATER? MY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS? (An OSU Business Degree USED to be a BS, while U of O was a BA)
I did NOT see THAT coming.
I want my Alumni Association contributions back.
Posted by ltjd | November 27, 2012 4:02 PM
This kid is just a vandal, ....and a cry baby, whiny pee pants, judging from the photo.
He needs to do some county time, picking up trash along the highway, in the rain this winter. Too bad the judges can no longer throw these useless kids into the army and let some drill sargent tell them what to do for a while till their frontal lobe brain development is complete.
I used to be against the draft, but I have changed my mind over the last 40 years for a whole lot of reasons.
Posted by Portland Native | November 27, 2012 4:30 PM
Well, let's see. At 24, the kid probably entered the public school system in 1994. He would have experienced copious amounts of car-bashing, global warming alarmism and evil America harangues. Small wonder he probably got tanked up and decided slashing tires was a way to both stick it to the man and make an environmental point.
Kind of like spiking trees and burning SUV's.
Posted by Dave Lister | November 27, 2012 6:09 PM
"Tell us about your kung fu achievements"
Or tee ball perhaps.....
Posted by Dave Lister | November 27, 2012 6:13 PM
Oh these super-accomplished millenials, mature to a fault with their compulsive need to tell everyone about their gold stars, all the time. *yawn*
Portland is your city now, and when it finally collapses in a paroxysm of financial ruin and social disorder, you'll well and truly own it. Enjoy.
... that is, if you haven't quietly moved to the Outer Rim suburbs and bought a personal vee-hicle or two by then. See you there.
Call me Walt Kowalski all you like, I surely don't care ... but I'm no longer paying your way. You made your place, oh poignant placemakers. Now, can you keep it?
Posted by Downtown Denizen | November 27, 2012 7:17 PM
Aside from the shaveable sideburns, he looks alot like the sketch of the PSU sexual assault perp. 30's 6+ feet tall 170-180 prominent cheekbones, dark hair.
Posted by Brian002 | November 27, 2012 7:41 PM
The Millenials shouldn't take it so personally. We all know the self-indulgent Baby Boomers have done more damage to this country than the Millenials could even dream of. Between the wars and debt and degradation of civil liberties and on and on, the Millenials will have to hate A LOT of cars extra hard to even come close.
Posted by 5th Gen Oregonian | November 27, 2012 8:25 PM
I used to be against the draft, but I have changed my mind over the last 40 years for a whole lot of reasons.
Lots of people stop being opposed to the draft once they can no longer be drafted.
Posted by Dave J. | November 27, 2012 8:28 PM
Curmudgeon's UNITE !
Jack this is one of the funniest dialogs in a bit (shows how easy I am to entertain).
Reid, you are truly a Portland Emo sweetheart. Now go clean your room fo Mama busts your Sheeet.
Checked out you're Company website
Wow, glad that you are NOT my brand manager.
I will stick to Stymie as my OnTePanure.
Posted by BoBo | November 27, 2012 8:53 PM
What's wrong with black socks and Birkenstocks?
Posted by Molly | November 27, 2012 9:46 PM
I scroll by that photo as fast as I can.
Don't like looking at it.
Feel the same when you show some of Sam and Randy.
Haven't seen the Admiral lately.
34 days left.
Looks like a busy day in council tomorrow.
*1318 Authorize multiple applications to the Oregon Department of Transportation for grants in the amount of up to $39.125 million for transportation enhancement projects (Ordinance)
The * indicates an emergency ordinance, which takes effect immediately if passed. Non-emergency ordinances require two readings and a 30-day waiting period before taking effect. Resolutions, reports, etc., adopted by Council are effective after adjournment.
Keep a close eye on them during the Christmas holidays.
Posted by clinamen | November 28, 2012 12:19 AM
Dave J
It is true I am not eligible for the draft...however, with the majority of congress now having never been in the military, and only 1% of the population actually enrolled in military service, I fear it is easier to go go war if fewer people have actually experienced war or may actually do the fighting.
I have come to the conclusion that some kind of "national service" (military, teaching, working in a hospital, planting trees) would be good for everyone. But it would probably end up like jury duty....easy to evade if you really didn't want to do it.
This sad excuse for a young man, who probably has little education, no job skills and few prospects, would probably benefit from being enrolled in the military or outward bound type program, where, some rules, regimentation, and discipline were required.
Some people just need more management that others...he is one of those people.
Posted by Portland Native | November 28, 2012 7:26 AM
wow Jack, that's a lot of assumptions about this criminal from a story that didn't say much. Stereotyping can be dangerous. And not all young people are bad. or hip. or destroying our city. The politicians are destroying our city, and I don't think people in their 20s lobbied hard for them to do it. They did it on their own accord. A guy like Reid says anything on this board and immediately gets labeled/discounted. A lot of the commenters on here are SO closed-minded. By the way, I'm over 40, have a real job, live in Portland, own a car, and agree with most of what you blog about. But with this story you're just making stuff up. Weird.
Posted by Roy | November 29, 2012 8:13 AM
Jack, your readers don't know Jack!
Posted by Bark Munster | November 29, 2012 10:30 AM
It makes me glad I live in the burbs, I think the Perp-ette will get more grief for his sorry ass mug shot than for his wayward behavior. If you are going to go rogue at least have the courtesy to not pee yourself during booking.
Posted by George | November 29, 2012 11:06 AM
People are still commenting so I'll chime in.
He's not hipster, he's probably an anarchist that's been infecting the Buckman neighborhood for a while.
And he'd be the first to smash those condo windows people on here don't like too much. Portlandia type Hipsters love condos (I think as long as we're lumping).
Glad he got caught and love how he's crying now. Felony charges are serious -- and he's going to get his fair share where he's going.
Posted by ws | November 29, 2012 9:22 PM
The crimes occurred near the anarchist feeding station known as St. Francis as well as the anarchist hangout known as the Red and Black Cafe. The anarchists blab about everything on social media, but I haven't been able to find anything on our little cry baby.
Posted by Mamacita | December 1, 2012 9:28 AM