Hitting a nerve
Here's a government ad campaign up in B.C. that seems about 180 degrees reversed from the official local message here in Portlandia:

Of course, it's provoking a backlash up there, and can you imagine how ballistic it would send the Mississippians and Hawthornites if it were to show up here? As a reader observes:
Between the screams of "I have a real job! I work at the Portland Mercury!" and the smirks of "Of COURSE they'd say that," the last time we heard so much impotent whining from the perpetually unemployable, "Annie Hall" had just beaten "Star Wars" for the Best Picture Oscar.
Anyway, it's a funny moment, and one that probably won't last long.
Comments (6)
Not surprised that Richard Florida is bristling at the genius of this campaign. It's like the BC folks put a target right between his eyes. Brilliant concept!
Posted by MJ | November 21, 2012 12:22 PM
Agreed, MJ. Why, it's like people are skeptical of his creative class wanking, isn't it?
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | November 21, 2012 12:51 PM
And BC actually has trade schools that teach skills like electrician and plumber, nurses and carpenters, and fashion and design, and the graduates get real jobs for which they were trained.
What a concept!
Posted by Portland Native | November 21, 2012 12:57 PM
I think it's kind of funny that the government campaign says, "Oh sure, you'll definitely win the lottery," and then tells the reader to go to a website where you can "Win an iPad!"
Posted by Ted | November 21, 2012 1:03 PM
"I think it's kind of funny that the government campaign says, "Oh sure, you'll definitely win the lottery," and then tells the reader to go to a website where you can "Win an iPad!""
That link requests the completion of a survey in exchange for what it clearly says is a chance to win an iPad. There is no cost. It is not a revenue-raiser.
Do you really equate this with the lottery?
Doesn't seem that logic and analogies are your strong suits. Maybe you should stick with defending in toto your girlfriend's public schools.
Posted by sally | November 21, 2012 6:43 PM
What I would give to see that logo plastered on billboards, MAX trains, buses, bus shelters, movie theater screens and TVs here in Portland...maybe the Portland Business Alliance would like to take that on, given its recent public spat with the state of Portland Public Schools.
Posted by Erik H. | November 22, 2012 7:17 AM