Have you not forgotten something, comrade?
We experienced another of the joys of the Oregon vote-by-mail system last evening when we got home from a party:

It wasn't that there was a hanger on our door -- that's pretty standard at this time of year -- but it was more the message inside. Our "neighbors," it seems, stopped by to pester us because we haven't voted yet:

On the back was the list of what this particular group of cavassers, from the "Defend Oregon" union front, wants us to vote for. We already got one of these lists in the mail, which we displayed here.
After thinking about it for a while, we realized that with vote-by-mail, you get two choices: (a) vote early and have your completed ballot lying around for a couple of weeks to be tampered with, or (b) vote late and get a lecture on your doorstep from the union troops. But it's a great system -- really.
Comments (14)
I suppose "Meri" is a name that in times past, when people were less self-important, would have been spelled "Mary." These are the things I keep track of weekly and the lists keep getting longer.
Posted by sally | November 4, 2012 6:09 PM
I shall call myself Jym and trespass on my neighbor's property to mind my neighbor's business. Oy!
Posted by Cousin Jim | November 4, 2012 6:23 PM
Strange - my wife hasn't voted, and nobody has bugged her about it. (The ballot is sitting in our "incoming mail" box.)
Posted by Erik H. | November 4, 2012 6:34 PM
You've been giving your marching orders, Jack. Move FORWARD!
Posted by Mister Tee | November 4, 2012 6:40 PM
Jack: Feel free to use the same line I've been using when my doorbell rings with an unwanted political solicitor.
"Sorry, I'm not allowed to vote. I'm a convicted felon since I was found guilty of assault and attempted murder of a door to door solicitor that rang my doorbell at the wrong time."
Posted by ltjd | November 4, 2012 7:18 PM
If they return to pick up your completed ballot you should call the cops.
Posted by Gibby | November 4, 2012 8:18 PM
That's almost the same as mine, but my reason for the felony conviction is "I punched a girl at a college party because she wasn't feeling the love for me"
Posted by NEPguy | November 4, 2012 8:33 PM
NEPguy and ltjd -
In Oregon, once you have served your sentence and are out of jail you can vote.
Oregon is so progressive.
Ain't that wonderful.
Posted by Nonny Mouse | November 4, 2012 9:53 PM
Once again, the city that professes to preach Do Your Own Thing uses peer pressure in an attempt to influence behavior, and does so in the most passive-aggressive manner imaginable.
Well done, Portland.
Posted by Kevin | November 4, 2012 10:09 PM
By forcing people to vote, even (or especially) when they haven't voted this late in the game, might mean that they haven't found anybody worth voting for.
Don't piss 'em off, they may decide to vote against your candidate. Remember, the goal is NOT to get people to vote; it is to get people to vote for YOUR candidate, or NOT vote at all. Just like the SAT test, you get penalized for wrong answers.
Jack, I think you should have a contest to see who gets closest to guessing the actual EC vote total. I'm going for 302 to 236, Romney for the EC win, and the popular vote by 4%.
Posted by Harry | November 4, 2012 10:48 PM
If either candidate breaks 300 electoral votes, everyone is going to get a free chalupa at Taco Bell.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 4, 2012 10:55 PM
Whoever wins, there'll be no shortage of bewailing and celebrating, so we can all just pick our party and carry on for four more years.
Posted by sally | November 5, 2012 5:04 AM
I like sitting at the kitchen table with my ballot an a cup of coffee on the Saturday morning before election day, filling in the ovals. Sure beats standing in line for 6 hours waiting to vote, like we've seen in south Florida, and will likely see in urban areas of Ohio tomorrow. I told the Defend canvasser how we exercised our voting rights was our business, not theirs. But those kind of visits are a small price to pay for the convenience of voting at home, and inevitable, regardless of the voting procedure.
Posted by Drewbob | November 5, 2012 2:43 PM
inevitable, regardless of the voting procedure.
No, if we all voted on the same day, there would be no one telling me I hadn't voted yet.
I like sitting at the kitchen table with my ballot an a cup of coffee on the Saturday morning before election day, filling in the ovals.
How many ballots do you fill out? In many households, one person completes more than one.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 5, 2012 10:53 PM