
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 13, 2012 8:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was CIA goes MTV, cont'd. The next post in this blog is Life in city government. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

And now... a shady charity!!!

The attention that the "unpaid social liaison officer" has drawn to herself could soon result in some serious tsuris from the IRS.

We want a perp walk! We want a perp walk! What will she be wearing?

UPDATE, 9:37 p.m.: Did we eat a bad mushroom? Now Adrian Chen is covering the story for Gawker, and he's got a new, bizarre tidibit.

Comments (8)

White canvas straightjacket with royal blue rally stripes, with logo of dropbox.com and Groupon on the back & sleeves -- as US Marshall Service public-private endorsement partnership to help defray government agency deficit.

Oh I love it! Actual scandals about real people. Powerful people.

Rock Creek Park? I guess she could have been jogging there, but shades of Chandra Levy. Egad!

Wow. A rock gets overturned, exposing a really serious mess and we get distracted by the activity of a couple of skirts.

Meanwhile more US casualties continue to occur in Afghanistan.

What a huge waste of journalistic resources over a few failing social wannabes. Where is that fiscal cliff?

This whole thing is another strong argument for keeping straight people out of the military. They are so focused on their sexuality that they can't serve effectively. Time for a restructuring on the Spartan model.

The Secret Service handles conspired-against-the-President treason cases. They could pay 'someones' a visit ... if the Secret Service had any reputation of integrity left after laying down on the job (so to speak) in Cartagena, Columbia with sexual liaison officers. Wait. What?

Evidence Emerges That GOP Leader Tried to Use Petraeus Affair to Hurt Obama Before Election ~ House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has some explaining to do ~ By Mark Karlin, November 13, 2012

The New York Times reports of an interesting wrinkle in the political implications of the conduct of the "shirtless" agent who seemed to be pursuing Mrs. Kelley and "advocating" on her behalf with keen interest: "Later, the agent became convinced — incorrectly, the official said — that the case had stalled. Because of his 'worldview,' as the [F.B.I.] official put it, he [the "shirtless" agent] suspected a politically motivated cover-up to protect President Obama." The unidentified "shirtless" F.B.I. agent now under investigation -- and his end run around the bureau to conspire with Eric Cantor during the days leading up to Election Day -- raise more serious issues than adulterous sex in terms of what appears to be a last ditch effort to influence a national election.
Remind everyone again Why? the reason young Americans are being mentally deranged in military indoctrination in order to invade the Middle East hating humanity -- was it "bad intelligence" that sent the military there? -- when disclosures and investigations found and show that Bush&Cheney conspired in the cover-up of the CIA/USMilitary mass murders blowing up the World Trade Center bldgs in nine-eleven op.

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