
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 28, 2012 9:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Un-Mitt-igated fiction?. The next post in this blog is "Urban renewal" -- bad then, bad now. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Moneybags Dave loses another round

Another chapter in the Cylviagate scandal has come to a close, as Dave Frohnmayer's bar complaint against former Kroger protege Sean Riddell has been dismissed. Frohnmayer (PERS draw $21,027.21 a month) is now 0 for 2 in bar complaints against people who have crossed him and his pals. He still has quite a few irons in the fire, however; taxpayers, watch your wallets.

Comments (3)

"Frohnmayer (PERS draw $21,027.21 a month) is now 0 for 2 in bar complaints against people who have crossed him and his pals."

Going 0 for 2, and making out like a bandit. A big loser who is Winning, WINNING!!

If Fro is the Winner, who are the losers?

I never understood why PERS paid out to people who weren't yet of retirement age.

"who are the losers?"

Stan Long, Mark Long's father, who was Frohnmayer's hey-boy at the justice department.

I'm still amazed in all of this how Kitz manages to stay so clean.

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