
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2012 7:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Horrible reporting by Portland media in L.O. stabbing. The next post in this blog is It's a brand new day. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blazers keep Oden theme alive

Now they're picking up proven draft busts. The Blazers have gotten to be sort of like what would happen if Fred Armisen did a sports show.

Comments (7)

He played really well in the NBA Summer League this year, and he is being brought in on a non-guaranteed contract. It's worth looking at him during training camp at least, as he does have good range with his shot, and has been shown to be good from 3 point range...which the Blazers need desperately.

If he's got it together now, he could be a very good complement to Aldridge, and free up guards for better 3 looks, too. Nothing to lose in trying that. He's got Bball smarts, too. Something the Blazers have in chronic short supply -- especially in the front office and the owner's capsule.

I think this is a way of making Luke Babbitt earn his spot on the roster.

It's a no-brainer to bring the guy into camp for the league minimum salary. ACL injuries can heal completely, and he may be back to his old form. Bonus points to Adam for shaving off the stupid scragly mustasche and shortening the greasy long hairstyle.

He has something no other Blazer has - two championship rings.

On the plus side, Morrison looked a lot better than Babbitt in Summer League, so why not give him a look see?

That's funny, I can still remember half the people screaming we picked Brandon Roy over him.

Just what we need a 3 point shooter with no defense or game inside the 3-point line who can get shut down at crunch time.

This just in: Adam Morrison tears ACL immediately upon landing at PDX.

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