
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 28, 2012 2:25 AM. The previous post in this blog was Question of the Night. The next post in this blog is Football time is here (and I don't mean soccer). Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Will Vestas be taken over by Mitsubishi?

The two companies are in "strategic" talks, and since the wheels are coming off Vestas, whose heavily subsidized U.S. sales offices are in Portland for the moment, Mitsubishi seems the likely survivor if the two companies are combined. Mitsubishi's U.S. power equipment operations are headquartered in Lake Mary, Florida -- near Orlando.

Comments (7)

I hope this works out better than their first headline grabbing introduction of Mitsubishi products into the USA. It was such a disaster that many Americans started shooting at them, and killing people, because of all the damage they caused.

I suspect that even George Bush shot at them with machine guns.


I recently met an employee of Vestas. After acknowledging the obvious corporate blunders, he say "things are looking up". He didn't seem to be naive or stupid. One wonders what's going on behind the curtain.

Jim I think you zeroed in on that problem.

Is Lake Mary close to where OHSU shipped all those bio-tech jobs?


Exactly what I thought! Maybe they can form an alumni group for companies that scammed Oregon for millions then moved to Florida?


Yep, OHSU has been a big boost for St .Lucia Florida

The Grand Opening had some special speakers too.


"Joe Robertson, Ph.D. , President Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU); Daniel Dorsa, Ph.D., Vice-President, Research, OHSU and President, Board of Directors, VGTI Florida"

Bio Ball

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