Snake oil: It's good for the planet
It used to be that in advertising, sex sold everything. Maybe not so any more. These days there's another commodity that's being used to peddle all sorts of junk. And some real scoundrels are using it.
Take this excerpt from the obscene $25,000 consultants' study bought by the desperate U of O administration in its effort to twist students' arms to support a student union construction boondoggle -- construction that the students have twice voted down. Here are the cynical "hot words" and "cold words" that the political experts have commanded the supporters of the project to use, and refrain from using, in campaigning in the next student body election. And yep, the new sexy is in there:

Comments (15)
It's always been a complete mindscrew for me that state agencies or state-funded entities lobby the legislature in the first place. Just seems like we're spending money to lobby ourselves.
As for their little diagram, I like how the fees don't start til 2014 is a selling point. "Yeah, go ahead, bind future classes with this junk, you'll never pay for it"-that's uplifting.
Maybe if the UO spent less on marketeers they'd be able to build a few classrooms.
Posted by Kent Mulder | August 20, 2012 4:22 PM
I love "student-driven." How's that for an outright lie?
Posted by Jack Bog | August 20, 2012 4:26 PM
Yes let's spend $135,000,000 in concrete, plastic, and the associated fuel to transport and build this; that's sustainability in action.
Posted by Pistolero | August 20, 2012 4:32 PM
Yep. Talking about cost and length of pay off is a real downer and should be avoided.
Posted by reader | August 20, 2012 4:39 PM
What's $25,0000 in today's dollars?
Posted by Max | August 20, 2012 4:39 PM
You've got a (decimal) point.
Posted by Jack Bog | August 20, 2012 4:42 PM
A major sticking point for students at UO has been the insistence on the part of student affairs to include a large concert hall in the new student union, a component that dominates the design of the building and adds probably $35 million+ to the cost of the project. The concert hall is designed specifically to be home to the Oregon Bach Festival (which happens in the summer) and other high dollar/high brow events, not at all targeted at students. Simply, the concert hall is a vehicle for more of the good-old-boy donation-whoring status quo at UO. The most cynical, and in my opinion credible, view is that the concert hall is really what student affairs wants, and the EMU was the only potential project on which it could piggyback, at the students expense. While some students have supported elements of the renovation plan, myself included, the concert hall has been universally unpopular with students from day one. They have repeatedly asked that it be removed from the plans in order to reduce costs, a request which has been roundly denied, even as other elements students do want are stricken from the project. The current building contains no concert hall.
Posted by OnceADuck | August 20, 2012 4:56 PM
One shudders to think how much developer suckage is being performed on the unwitting students at the real estate development firm and political patronage center known as Portland State University.
Posted by Jack Bog | August 20, 2012 5:12 PM
I"m thinking anyone could make public records requests for contracts between PSU and other state and city agencies, and probably dredge up a lot of reports as bad or maybe even worse than this one. And the county DA up there has a great record enforcing the public records law.
Posted by UO Matters | August 20, 2012 5:37 PM
"The concert hall is designed specifically to be home to the Oregon Bach Festival (which happens in the summer) and other high dollar/high brow events, not at all targeted at students. Simply, the concert hall is a vehicle for more of the good-old-boy donation-whoring status quo at UO."
Hey, wealthy socialites like to be entertained!
Posted by realitybasedliberal | August 20, 2012 6:22 PM
Posted by John F. Bradach, Sr. | August 20, 2012 6:38 PM
I'd love to see if a similar document exists ANYWHERE on the hard drives at City Hall (or any other City of Portland building), Metro or TriMet.
Posted by Erik H. | August 20, 2012 8:11 PM
Does anyone deny the fact that students can get a quality education without a student union at all, much less an expanded, upgraded, blah, blah, blah one? There is so much crap that universities are building nowadays to entice students to attend that they wind up raising the cost of education for the very students they are trying to help. Sounds like the administrators need to go back to school themselves to learn a thing or two about finance and ethics. Or quit and let someone else take their jobs. Anyone remember Amo DeBernardis, PCC's founding President? His guiding principal was that students came first, and education and career preparation was more important than athletics or other non-academic frills. Amazing man.
Posted by Nolo | August 21, 2012 4:41 AM
Keeping up with the PAC 12
I think they mean keeping up with PSU. Be nice if either place put this much push on turning out better students.
Posted by steve | August 21, 2012 5:57 AM
Platinum LEED certified B.S.
Just like every scam in Oregon.
Posted by Mister Tee | August 21, 2012 8:46 AM