
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 20, 2012 2:32 PM. The previous post in this blog was Convention Center Kool-Aid leaves bitter taste in North Carolina. The next post in this blog is Snake oil: It's good for the planet. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Here comes prosperity

If you were worried about the state of the Portland economy, buck up. Here's reassurance that great things are just around the corner.

The city "is fast becoming a central hub and destination for young, educated workers who want to succeed in the technology sector," Blumenauer said in a news release. "High-tech innovation and investment are key to keeping our businesses and communities strong, and public-private partnerships, coordination, and discussions are a vital part of growing our successes."

People here "want to succeed," all right. But with Earl's many "public-private partnerships, coordination, and discussions," only The Network actually gets a chance. Go by streetcar!

Comments (10)

Wonder why they did not schedule it at the perfect public/private partnership, Vestas??

He forgot to mention they're changing Portland's name to Potemkin-ville:


Sad this is I think Earl actually believes the garbage he says, kinda like Biden.

Of course they want to succeed. And that's why they pack up and move elsewhere, especially when they realize they can make more money and pay less rent in a city that does more than talk about building that central hub. The ones that don't...well, they're the ones that hang out on Alberta with a latte in one hand and a doob in the other, flapping their gums about how they've got a really kewl idea for a movie project if Mom and Dad will give them the money to do it.

Well if enough naive green skilled techie wanna'-be's move here the market will saturate, depress wages, and we won't need so many H1-B visas! If you build it they will come.

The city is fast becoming a central hub and destination for people who want to hand you a falafel sandwich through a trailer window.

The city "is fast becoming a central hub and destination for young, educated workers who want to succeed in the technology sector,"

hahahahahahahahahahaha - whew, I needed a good laugh, ahhhhh.

The city "is fast becoming a central hub and destination for young, educated workers who want to succeed in the technology sector

Are we talking about Portland or Aloha?

Aloha is strategically between Beaverton and Hillsboro, the city's Silicon Corridor (to use Metrospeak). Gresham has...uh...uh...I think they've finally gotten around to using PC compatibles using that newfangled "gooey" called "Windoze".

From what I can tell, the city is fast becoming a central hub and destination for young, smelly bums who want to succeed in getting your money away from you.

Total BS - when a startup does well, they move away for management expertise and proximity to other tech companies. Aside from a few small pets, this is fantasy.

Does Blumenauer mean that he created "our growing success" in the same way Obama said the government helped create every business in America? Or does he just mean the so-called "public-private partnerships"' that take a lot of public dollars to make the businesses work? It's so hard to tell these days.

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