
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 13, 2012 10:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was Sole survivor. The next post in this blog is God bless Sister Megan Rice. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Are you good at charades?

If so, this gig at Portland's Metro government may be right up your alley.

Comments (6)

I think the proper spelling is "charrettes".

I was going to suggest that you apply, Jack, but then I saw this:

"demonstrated skills, knowledge
or experience that support public
engagement principles adopted by

which, of course, means that the only applicants who will be considered are people who are in lock step with Metro's density and light rail agenda, and are willing to support and spread their propaganda. No one who generally supports Oregon's land use laws, but who might question the current "new urban" vision and corrupt urban renewal scams will stand a chance at having their application even reviewed.

Wow, the document scores off the chart on my "Business Buzzword Bingo" scale...

If only it was in PowerPoint, then we would know its the truth...

Cheers, Mike

How interesting that only people that "support principles adopted by Metro". What if a person wanted to question Metro's outreach attempts not meeting State Guidelines, or a Counties or a Cities? So Metro trumps those requirements?

What a setup to only further Metro's agenda. Then Metro can claim they have this "PERC" so they comply with public involvement, and "we even monitor it".

They're looking for a few good PERC-y people.

They should hold the 'stakeholder summit' at Harvey's Comedy Club.

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