
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 9, 2012 2:26 PM. The previous post in this blog was As Tri-Met fails, other options spring up. The next post in this blog is Back o' their necks gettin' dirt 'n' gritty. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 9, 2012

"We are V.I.P."

Get up, ev'rybody, and sing.

Comments (7)

Also something French, sil vous plait, for Obama's dinner in France with contributors. Scary thing is Romney seems to be out-raising Obama.

Of course, this all protends very well for the Average Joe's interests being represented by either candidate.

Good effort to change the subject, Steve. Let's have a source, though, on that suppository diner français.

Good effort to change the subject


I can only guess you meant supposed dinner. Of course, these funds can only come from AMerican citizens in France and Switzerland.

If you are naive enough to think Obama is not having $30K donation dinners:


The only thing I can say is that Obama cares about the average guy as much as Romney does.

Steve, do you ever put anything up here that is remotely right, or true, or relevant? Or is lying your only option when you support a pathological liar like Romney?

Allen L.

It was a fund-raiser for the Obama campaign. O did not attend as he was relaxing at Camp David during the 4th holiday.

See: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2012/06/29/Obama-European-campaign-July-4

If you think the source is tainted, click on over to the Hollywood Reporter link within.

Sorry if I hit a sore point, but if you think Obama is less soiled goods than Romney, we have a bigger issue. If your only defense to someone who disagreed with you is to call them a liar, then no use in continuing this.

Anything the Koch brothers are "for", I am against!
And as for the Mr. Simmons who has the 75 ft "yacht"...I got news for him...that ain't a "yacht"; that size vessel is a tender to the real yachts of the world.

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