
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 9, 2012 2:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was "We are V.I.P.". The next post in this blog is Little Lord Paulson beheads a vassal. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Back o' their necks gettin' dirt 'n' gritty

Except for the cool Pacific Northwest, it's been a hot time in U.S.A. the last few weeks.

Comments (10)

While our weather has been much better than most of the rest of the country, I don't know that I'd describe it as "cool" -- certainly not yesterday. I ran 5 miles in the afternoon, and it was pretty brutal!

More perspective:
35 Years Ago Today: Global Cooling Caused Severe Wind Damage
The recent thunderstorm wind event which caused widespread wind damage from Ohio to the mid-Atlantic coast has, rather predictably, led to claims that global warming is the root cause.

Known as a “derecho“, these events are indeed uncommon, but have always been around: the term was originally coined in 1888 in a study of thunderstorm wind damage which occurred in 1877.
From: http://www.drroyspencer.com/2012/07/35-years-ago-today-global-cooling-caused-severe-wind-damage/


Thank you, Jim. I was able to set my watch.

Out here in Eastern Oregon we've been punching through a hundred. Our joke is, "Yeah, but it's a dry heat." Inferring it's not so bad.

tung - you ran? My goodness. It was hot. I'm indoors pumping iron until the heatwave quits.

JK (stands for 'just kidding'?) - I'm glad you are here to set everyone straight.

Your Welcome,

Jack - were you refuting JK's content?

No, I was mocking it. So predictable.

Tung, in Wsahington, D.C., you don't even think about walking 10 blocks at 8:00 in the morning. Five-mile runs? Out of the question there 'til Labor Day.

Jo -- yes, it was kind of masochistic, but apparently I need to do some heat acclimating/training. It's supposed to do wonders for one's race times by the time fall rolls around.

BoJack -- glad I don't live in D.C.!

I used to be a long distance runner, pretty high level too. It's what got me to college. You'd never know it to see me now, sadly. There were a ton of theories about hill running, warm weather, rain, cold, etc...all about getting you toughened up I think. I'm not sure if they really made you better physically.

Mentally, however, it does wonders. Trying doing a few miles @15 degrees wearing layers of wool and canvas. I did that once. My coat weighted about 10 pounds afterward with all the ice. You don't dare stop or your sweat will freeze on you.

Come spring, when about half your track meets are in bad weather, you barely notice. :-)

Regarding hot weather in DC. I visited once in August. Checked into my hotel in the late morning, by the afternoon I thought I'd walk the mile or so to see the capitol.

I made it five blocks.

I was lucky (?) enough to be in Chicago last week for the hottest Fourth of July in a century. At least the heat here lacks that sauna-like humidity!

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